What Is Contained In The Full Package Of Salvation?

Isaac Okunola
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2021

Salvation is the most preached subject in the body of Christ today, yet it’s the least understood. We have become so familiar with the word that we have lost consciousness of its deep meaning.

What Do You Think Of Salvation?

It is not unlikely that you would think of sin and the judgement of sin, hell, which is actually true, but not the whole truth. Even unbelievers have that knowledge in their subconscious minds. They got that knowledge from the gospel the Church had preached over time, in churches, evangelistic crusades, and through the media.

Our mind is a powerful tool that we possess. It is where our belief system is formed through repeated information accumulated over a space of time. Though we might not be doing this consciously, our mind is usually very active at keeping track of information subconsciously. This is how we form our mindset, even on spiritual subjects as salvation.

Generally, when people claim to preach the gospel, they succeed at one thing — making people see the danger of hell and that they are doomed to go to hell because of their sins except they accept Jesus. Of course, nobody wants to go to hell. At least the one whose heart is ripe for salvation. So majority troop to Jesus on the ground that they want to escape the danger of hell. This isn’t entirely wrong, but the question is “Is this all that salvation has to offer?”

A lot of believers today have accepted salvation through Jesus Christ by formula, and therefore lack the revelation of what salvation entails. Some who actually had the genuine experience are ignorant of the glorious riches embedded in the package of salvation. They think all there is to salvation is the forgiveness of sin. Many times believers even struggle with accepting that their sins have actually been forgiven.

There’s Something More

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Ephesians 1:3 KJV

This is the full package of Salvation. In Christ Jesus, we are already blessed with ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS. This includes forgiveness of sins, freedom from sin, healing, riches, power, authority over demons, adoption, justification, deliverance, you name it, ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS.

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

If this is true, which it is because it is the word of God, then why are we not enjoying these things after we have received salvation. There are two possible responses to this, either we’re ignorant of them or we don’t know how to access them.

The package of Salvation is real in the spiritual realm, but we need the knowledge to unlock them and bring them to physical manifestation. Let’s not settle for less, if scriptures say we are blessed with all spiritual blessings, then that settles it. Let us seek to unlock our full package of salvation, bringing spiritual realities to physical manifestation.

How To…

If you’re not enjoying the full package of salvation, you belong to either of two categories — either you’re ignorant that it exists or you don’t know how to access it. Either way, you have a knowledge problem. This is why I want to invite you to our Christian Family Retreat (CFR) this August 2021. The theme of the program is Having Abundance For Every Good Work.

At CFR 2021, we shall have a feast of the word to discover the secret keys that unlock every one of the riches that are locked up in our salvation package. As you get empowered by the truth, you shall begin to live a life that is worthy of your call in Christ. You shall begin to enjoy the glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

The retreat starts from 4:00 pm on the 19th of August to 21st of August at Hebron Centre, Behind Community Borehole, Abaa Yawiri, Ojurin Akobo, Ibadan. Click here to register and get full details about the program.



Isaac Okunola

Passionate about Christ, Filmmaking, Motion Design, Graphics Design and Writing.