Are Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and Mark Dever Compromised?

Cody Libolt
For the New Christian Intellectual
4 min readMar 9, 2019

It would seem so.

This is a question that will be asked by many after seeing their shameful showing this week.

For instance:

Watch the replay while you can.

(It has already been taken down from our own YouTube with a questionable copyright infringement claim.)

In just two days, the video already has nearly 20,000 views here at James White’s site:

Or go here if the above source isn’t working:


What we saw on stage at the Shepherds Conference was:

  • Evasion
  • Non-answers
  • Subject-changing
  • Bloviating
  • Appeals to authority
  • Anger
  • Stonewalling
  • Even a threat of the dividing of fellowship

Clearly Mohler, Dever, and Duncan are politically compromised.

I have no comment to make here on their motives or the state of their hearts.

But here’s what I know:

Mohler, Duncan, and Dever are the most high profile enablers of the social justice movement within the “conservative wing” of evangelism.

That means they are in serious error about *this* topic.

It’s to the point where it seems odd that they are invited to appear as model teachers at at event called “Shepherds Conference,” — since the host, John MacArthur, has said the social justice movement is the most dangerous threat to the gospel that he has seen — while these men are out there enabling it.

For instance:

Ligon Duncan

Duncan endorsed the book “Woke Church” by Eric Mason and sits on the board of TGC, an organization that is becoming more explicitly socialist or anti-conservative in outlook by the month.

Mark Dever

Dever supports the idea that a person could have a morally justifiable reason for voting for a pro-abortion Democrat. He supports the work of his friend Jonathan Leeman, work deeply influenced by the Fabian socialist London School of Economics, of which he is a graduate.

Albert Mohler

Mohler regularly endorses Russell Moore (a communitarian Democrat) and hires supporters of intersectional theory and affirmative action like Jarvis Williams.

When Tim Keller and Russell Moore have slandered the signers of the Statement on Social Justice as not really caring about justice or the poor, Mohler has said nothing to defend those signers.

He refuses to sign, but he also refuses to say what it is in the statement that he agrees with or disagrees with.

Meanwhile his good friend Danny Akin is turning SEBTS into one of the leading centers of “Kingdom Diversity” and social justice. Nothing is said.

In Mohler’s daily show there is always a confrontation of the culture, but never a confrontation of those same trends taking over in his own denomination.

Why not?

Is this trend wrong? Is it dangerous? If so, then why would trustworthy shepherds be unwilling to say so?

That’s a summary of why it seems like a poor choice to hold these three men up right now as model shepherds.

Compromised? Beyond ANY Doubt.

I haven’t here evaluated these men’s motives or their status as Christians.

We ought to be concerned about their motives, but that is a discussion for another time.

Here’s what I do know with enough evidence and certainty to state for the world to read:

There are wolves in the church. And these three men — Mohler, Dever, and Duncan — have endorsed these wolves and failed to confront them. When asked why, they have shamed themselves by offering no good answer.

One last thing:

In case you missed it, check out AD Robles’ run-down here. He shows how, for at least some of these men, Scripture is not driving the bus.

