Are Conservative Christians Taking a Turn Toward Socialism?
Here’s one reason I’m on social media:
To fight the growing trend of socialism among so-called conservative Christians.
Consider the rapid decline of “First Things,” a website that calls itself “America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life.”
Joe Carter of the ERLC and the Acton Institute writes:
“As a former editor of First Things I’ve been deeply disappointed in the turn toward socialism the magazine has taken in the last few years.”
He’s completely right.
And it’s not just “First Things” that is coming out of the closet about socialism.
Our worldview ministry “For the New Christian Intellectual” is designed to combat this trend.
We analyze political and worldview questions from the perspective of “Rational Christianity–For Those Who Love Their Lives.”
You can be part of the work we’re doing.
We’re creating a community of people who can work together to spread a better message by thinking, writing, and speaking out.
I’d like you to take a look!
Click here to visit our site:
In this video we go into more depth:
Originally published at on July 26, 2017.