Cody Libolt is a Coward.

I have a troll account.

Cody Libolt
For the New Christian Intellectual
4 min readMay 9, 2019


There’s a Twitter account called “Cody Libolt is a coward”

Somebody hates me so much that they made a Twitter account dedicated to hating me.

I know who it is, even though it’s an anonymous account. The pattern in behavior makes it obvious.

But… uh… Wow!

It’s kind of an honor in the Twitter world when you reach a certain point of… infamy… when you’ve got enough people to hate you that someone has a dedicated Twitter account just to say that they don’t like you…

It makes me the envy of all of my Twitter friends. Although, from my perspective, it’s just a little sad.

I encourage you to get to the point where people hate you.

The mockery on the Twitter account called “Cody Libolt is a Coward” was pointing to things about me that were mostly true.

For instance: “Hey this guy Tweets a lot,” or “This guy asks people to support his project through Patreon.”

He also poked some fun at my use of a stock image of a microphone.

I purposely use free or low-cost tools for most of what I do online. I try to keep things simple and basic when possible because I want other people to be able to see what I’m doing and give it a try.

The whole point is that Cody Libolt is nothing special. And that anyone who has an iPhone could be doing what I’m doing — and really ought to be.

I encourage you to get to the point where people hate you, too.

Make sure you’re hated for the right things.

It doesn’t matter for the kingdom of God if people hate you because you’ve been stupid or you’ve been doing things that are obnoxious.

But it does matter for the kingdom of God if people hate you because you’ve been doing things that are good.

For example:

  • Sharing Bible verses
  • Talking about the Bible’s teaching
  • Talking about how false teachers are perverting the Bible

Those are the kinds of things I’m hated for, I think. I hope. Not just for being obnoxious.

What are you doing that causes you to be persecuted or hated or disliked or teased?

Jesus pointed out that, since the world hated him, it will hate his servants.

Just make sure you’re hated for the right things.

I need to think about that one.

What is Cody Libolt the coward really afraid of?

Alright, let’s settle the question once and for all: Is Cody Libolt a coward?

I’ve been told by people that I’m like the least cowardly person they’ve ever met (here and here).

Other people are *very* convinced — I mean multiple people — have slammed me and said that I’m a coward.

But these are the people that are upset people I blocked them.

And after I’ve blocked them or I’ve told them I’m not interested in their opinion, then they go somewhere else and they publicly call me a coward.

So I don’t think their opinion has all that much weight.

But the thing is, I am afraid of certain things.

And what I’m afraid of is being found wanting.

What I’m afraid of is being told by God “You were the watchman on the wall who fell asleep.”

And so the thing is, it’s not all that brave when you just see the facts — when you know the truth and you’re accountable to it.

I’m not brave enough to pretend that I don’t know what I know.



