Do You Think Our Criticism of Russell Moore and Timothy Keller Is Too General? Read This.

Cody Libolt
For the New Christian Intellectual
2 min readFeb 18, 2019

Some viewers of my talk with Judd Saul have asked why we didn’t go more into details and citing sources yet.

See the interview here:

Keep in mind that today’s interview is a discussion of the project: Why it exists and how to support it.

If you’re looking for all the arguments, these will be forthcoming. That’s the purpose of the upcoming film.

Meanwhile, this interview is mainly intended to be seen by those who have been tracking the issue closely and are already aware of the role of certain key people.

For the ideological side of why we are concerned with some statements from Russell Moore and Timothy Keller, see the resources at sites like ours:

Start with these articles:

How Marxist Thinking Is Seeping into the Church

The Theological Problem With Tim Keller’s So-Called Social Justice

Russell Moore Says Rights Are Never Absolute

In these you’ll find an elaboration on our concerns about what Keller and Moore have said.

Both men have slandered the signers of the statement on social justice ( You can read about Keller’s slanderous statement here. (Also read this from Doug Wilson in regard to Keller.) Here is an example of Russell Moore slandering signers of the Statement on Social Justice.

For information on how Moore is working with organizations connected with George Soros, check out the Evangelical Immigration Table. Russell Moore is a founding member. So is the Communist Jim Wallis. Such is the ideological affinity and co-belligerence. For concerns about the EIT and the ideas and funding behind it, see this article from The Institute on Religion and Democracy.

You can find many resources on this topic at also. Especially check out the citations here showing which Christian leaders are teaming up with whom, and for what ends.

Take a look at the sneak peek of Judd Saul’s film below.

Let’s help launch this important project — and get it seen by as many people as possible.

You can help launch Enemies Within the Church by praying for the project and by donating here.

I believe Judd would be willing to talk with you about specific questions if you reach out to him.

God Bless!

Cody Libolt

