He Who Promised Is Faithful

Cody Libolt
Cody Libolt Conversations
3 min readFeb 5, 2017

Are your prayers unanswered? Are you in a time of waiting?

When you’re waiting you’re vulnerable. Doubts can grow. Especially when you’re experiencing suffering.

You begin to ask:

  • Why is this happening?
  • Why does God let it happen?
  • If God is still good, why can’t I feel it?

As a Christian, you know God is still good. But what can you do when the goodness of God begins to feel like a distant memory instead of a present reality?

It’s a real problem. But thankfully God has given us the exact solution. He’s given us His comforting promises. Through these promises He reminds us what it is like to trust Him.

When you’re not feeling God’s goodness, go back to thinking about God’s promises.

Ask yourself the soul-shaking questions:

  • Are His promises still true?
  • Is God still faithful?

Read what God has to say again. Remind yourself not only “that” the promises are true, but also, “how true” they are.

Dwell on the promises.

Somewhere along the way, you’ll stop feeling that you simply know the “right answer.” You’ll feel something more.

You can do this. Go back to God’s promises.

Here are four simple steps:

  1. Remind yourself what God has said.
  2. Ask if you know His words are true.
  3. Look at another promise, and another.
  4. Decide, therefore, if God is still faithful.

Here’s an example of these steps applied:

1. Remind yourself what God has said:

God tells us we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens (Hebrews 4:14).

2. Ask if you know His words are true:

Do we have evidence that it’s true?

Yes! Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. The gospels were written as witness to this. These are some of the best established facts in history.

3. Look at another promise, and another:

Here’s a promise: We can hold fast to our profession of faith, because our high priest has experienced infirmities and temptations like ours, and he understands (Hebrews 4:15).

Is this true?

Did Jesus live through temptation and suffering as we do? What actually happened in Jesus’ life? What did Jesus do for you? Think about it.

Another promise: We can come boldly to the throne of grace for mercy and grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

Is this true?

Did the Apostles come boldly to the throne of grace when they suffered? And how did God respond?

Think about what you already know.

Meditating on these promising and the mighty work of God, my perspective changes. My struggles haven’t changed. But my focus has shifted. And now I’m ready to ask the final question:

4. Is God still faithful?

A thousand times yes!

God has done (and is doing) all that He promised.

Soul, do not cast away your confidence.

The reward of faith is great indeed. Have patience. Do the will of God. Receive the promise.

Just a little while, and He will come. He will not wait (Hebrews 10:35–39).

He who promised is faithful.

Originally published at www.codylibolt.com on February 5, 2017.

