I Used An “All Gender” Bathroom, It Was Awful

G.S. Muse
For the New Christian Intellectual
6 min readNov 16, 2019

I visited a university campus today to take part in a psychology study comparing people with Autism to people without. The study was a lot of fun, and went well.

Afterwards I decided to stick around campus to visit, get lunch, and attend an event.

While on campus I asked for directions to the nearest restroom. The only one available was an “All Gender” restroom. There were no men’s rooms and women’s rooms nearby. I rolled my eyes figuring it was an individual restroom with a Social Justice label slapped on the door. I was very wrong.

When I went inside, I walked past a large group of sinks. There were individual stalls, with walls and doors that went to the floor. But once I walked inside and looked up, I saw that the walls did not reach to the ceiling.

No doubt anyone using the restroom could hear the sound of those in other stalls.

Since I had to pee very badly, and thought I was alone, I lifted the seat, and did what I had to do. I figured that no one else was around, since I did not initially hear shuffling or other noises.

After coming out of the stall, I realized that I was not the only person in there.

When washing my hands, I saw the woman exit the stall area, and saw two separate females enter the restroom.

Boxes of feminine hygiene products were placed on the sink counters.

Looking around there was one term that came to mind that would describe the environment: unsafe.

Being in an intimate and secluded environment like this with someone of the opposite sex was clearly inappropriate, and I wish I had tried to find another bathroom.

A female in this environment would have good reason for concern for her own safety, especially at night or at times when few people would be expected to be around. We used to hear so much about “Rape Culture” and #MeToo but somehow that seems to have fallen away, perhaps to accommodate this confusion and perversion.

As a man, I realized that I was also in a dangerous setting, since a woman who wanted to take advantage of the seclusion could accuse me of sexual assault, and I would have no way to defend myself against he false accusation, especially in the day and age of college kangaroo courts. (Apparently these people failed to understand the message of To Kill A Mockingbird.)

I realize that some idiot reading this might want to say “Well if a lady doesn’t feel comfortable…”

But this idiot would fail to see the point. Even if someone “feels” comfortable, it does not mean that it is not a dangerous situation.

Even without potential assault accusations, the whole thing was out-of-control inappropriate.

Supposedly this is all in place to make those who say they identify as the opposite biological sex from objective reality more comfortable. But if a man who identifies as a female “feels uncomfortable” using the bathroom with other biological males, then how is a bathroom that has both other men as well as women supposed to make him feel more comfortable?

As I pointed out in a previous article, we segregate bathrooms based on our biological sex, because it’s not appropriate for a man to use a woman’s facilities, or vice-versa, even if he identifies as a cactus.

And how is catering to the delusions of those suffering from gender confusion supposed to help them in the first place? A biologically healthy man who wants to castrate himself, because he believes he is female is clearly mentally ill. If we cared about this person for one second we would help him to see objective reality and process it, and we would guide him out of his delusions, not feed into them.

I recently read an article about the story of a young man who had his genitals mutilated by a “doctor” shortly after his 18th birthday, and once he healed, he immediately regretted it. But after he realized that he is not woman, there was no one at the “clinic” to help him get any semblance of his life back.

Was there no one who loved this young man enough to tell him that this was a lie, and that this was not going to make him happy?

Recently South Park had an episode about a “Transgender woman” who was going around beating up other women in sports. The athlete called herself “Heather” and anyone who dared to slight her in any way was bullied and called a “transphobe.”

The show clearly nailed it. It showed how far we have come in this insanity: No one was allowed to disagree with someone who “identified” as the opposite sex from their biological reality. Even though “Heather” was going around abusing other people and acting in ways that were completely inappropriate, no one could say anything out of fear of their reputations being destroyed.

Are people going to accuse me of “hating” so-called “transgender” people for writing this? Of course. But there is never going to be any making these people happy. They want to find something to be offended by as an excuse to claim that they are better than other people, without actually doing anything to help anybody, and I thank God for people at South Park who showing the insanity of what’s going on.

I am not going to walk on 1984 Newspeak eggshells to cater to the wicked people who want to deny objective reality.

And it’s because I care about Truth. I care about my own life and the lives of those around me. And I care about people who are suffering with Transgenderism. I love them enough to tell them the Truth, unlike the monsters who hate objective reality and who hate people.

These lying actors can go around name-calling and demanding that we deny objective reality and biology all day long. But as for me, I am going to stick with science. What am I going to do? I am going to continue pursuing a career in science, seeking objective reality, and seeking to understand truth, rather than to lie about it and hide from the facts of biology. And I wont succumb to these people who hate biology, Truth, objective reality, and people. They hate people, especially so-called Transgender people.

Veritasphobes hate the light the way small children are afraid of the dark.

Thank you for reading my article. If you liked it, please sign up for my newsletter: https://greenslugg-com.ck.page/48b7a894b1



G.S. Muse
For the New Christian Intellectual

G.S. Muse, also known as GreenSlugg on YouTube or simply as “Greg” is a lab technician, youtuber, author, and blogger. His work can be found at GSMuse.com