ICYMI: Communications & Decency

Cody Libolt
For the New Christian Intellectual
2 min readJul 11, 2019

By official policy, Facebook and Twitter now let people say almost nothing against some people — and almost anything about others (the haters).

If you wanted to cook up a plan to make it so that right and wrong are no longer understood by the majority of people in the world, and then you wanted to replace the old traditional right and wrong with something new, wouldn’t you be doing what Facebook and Twitter are now doing?

What better plan than to say: “The only thing we all must do is love” — and then to define hate as disagreeing with people or saying that something is morally wrong?

That’s what’s going on with the radical inclusivity concept that’s being pushed by Facebook and Twitter in their policies that say you’re a hater if you disagree with people about certain things.

For example if you say: “This is what marriage is; this is what marriage isn’t” — that makes you a hate group.

But, by the way, in their policies and community standards you’re allowed to say whatever you want again haters. Here there are no rules. They have set up an explicit double-standard.

Here is my radio interview with Walter Hudson from Wednesday. July 10th, 2019. We spent about 10 minutes developing the topic.

==> Communications & Decency — Interview on Closing Argument with Walter Hudson.

