The Devil In The Tasks [Part 1]

zack kafeero
Christian Merchant
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2018

Ever wondered why when you write down tasks and set out to accomplish them, you find a lot of opposition and resistance in the process.

This is because other forces are at play. And If you realize it then you can easily set yourself up for success.

In December, I set out on a journey of self-reflection for a couple of weeks, trying to find out why my annual results were the way they were (not appeasing). I remembered writing so many tasks but accomplishing few or even forgetting some.

This all came down to two major things that were playing against my task accomplishment and goal attainment; procrastination and complacency.

I then took some time to find solutions to these worrying problems. After consultations and some studying on the subjects, two solutions came up which are already in place, in a personal development plan.

1. Setting out to have accountability partners. I got a few friends who keep track of my projects progress, relationships and other areas of life, just to keep on the right path of achieving my goals. These are honest people who lose nothing by pointing out the negatives.

2. Daily and Weekly Evaluations. At the end of every week I list the roles I play in society and evaluate myself using a tool developed by Steven Covey. Just to gauge my efficiency and help me figure out where I spend the most time and energy.

You must be wondering; So where is the devil in all this?

Truth is; there is no victory without a battle. All your intentions are good but you’re still faced with opposition. At this point you can give up, however if you realize that to win a battle you must be prepared for it, then you will always have a card to play to position yourself for a victory.

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Mark 6:30 Jesus demanded accountability from his disciples.

NB. If you need Steve Covey’s effective planning tool kindly send an email to, I will share.

