How does society view Marriage?

Society has many different views on marriage. This society in general has many different way that marriage is viewed. Because we have so many different points of view, and so many different types of people in this country, their are many different points of view. So because of this we will be looking at many different ways this society views marriage and how it is applied in those different ways.

In a lot of different countries the cultural norm is to have someones parents pick their significant other. However in this country and in many more modern cultures across the world, is that the person who is getting married will chose who they want based on a whole host of things. Anything from what religion they are, to love, to how much money they have in their bank account, to almost anything someone can think of. And I believe that in many western cultures, people will get married based on convenience, rather then how well they fit together or how long it will last. And this is something that is being shown in modern culture, like in television shows and in many different forms of entertainment. So I will be looking at a few television shows and how they depict marriage into society.

There are many different television shows in which marriage is depicted. First we will be looking at a television show called Modern Family. Modern Family is a television that depicts all the reasons not to get married. First there is a homosexual couple in this television series. From the Christian perspective this is wrong because the bible states that homosexuality is wrong. 1 Corinthians 6:9–11 states “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” This verse shows that homosexuality is wrong. Also in Modern Family their is a couple that got married because they were having a baby. Now getting married and having a baby to start a family is a great joy. However, in Modern Family they switched up the order of things. The wedding in question became much more of a “shotgun wedding”. The couple found out that she was pregnaut and because of that they ended up getting married. I do not believe that this is the way a couple should get married. Lastly from the show Modern Family, their is a couple that it is implied that they got married strictly because of money. A young beautiful woman got married to a older man who was, we will say well off. This is another reason that a marriage should not happen because it is based off something else other then love, or God. No where in the scriptures does it state anything about marrying to connivence someones life. Its all done because of God’s blessing.

Another show that I wanted to take a look at is the show Family Guy. Family Guy is a cartoon show that is aimed towards adults and has a very racy sense of humor throughout the show. In the show their is a skit called “happy as a married guy” in which Peter (the main character) tells his father in law “you will be as happy as a married guy”. In which it cuts to a man getting married and he states “Thanks everyone, goodbye mom, goodbye dad, goodbye friends, goodbye free time, so long sex, so long golf on television, goodbye privacy, goodbye being honest about how many beers I've had, nice knowing you my own choices, and see you later money.” I believe that this way of thinking is not very good because it tells us that getting married isnt the best thing for a person, which, when it is the right person, I believe that it is. The Bible teaches that their is a clear view of marriage and it is to bring honor to the Lord. Probverbs 8:22 states “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” This verse clearly states that it is a good thing to get married. But God isnt just talking about getting married to just any woman, Probverbs 21:9 states “It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.” With this passage God also shows that it is not ok to marry any woman, but it should be the right woman. Marriage is something that should be looked at as a reward because if its not, then we will have divorce rates going through the roof, and people will not put as high of a priority on getting married and having a family.

Both of these shows, and many more, have made relationships all about sex. Instead of having the relationship be about each other. And obviously sex is an important part of marriage, however if shouldnt be a part of mainstream society when it comes to dating. Society has made sex about what two normal people do, when it should be something that happens in marriage, and what happens when people want to have kids. Instead soeciety has made all of the shows and all of the mainstream about sex, and how it is the ultimate goal to achieve in life. When in reality, it should be something that is achieved through marriage and love for one another. And we need to fight back and make marriage a sacred thing in society.

I wanted to point out these two shows because they are two of the most watched shows in the history of television. And these are two shows that do not put marriage on the pedistal it deserves. And obviously this is not relative to the whole society, however if millions of people are watching these shows, then that reflects on millions of people. So if millions of people are watching these shows then, at the bear minimum they are taking something away from these shows. And I do not believe that millions of people should be taking marriage advise from two shows that are fundamentally wrong when it comes to marriage. And as a whole I believe society has gotton it wrong when it comes to marriage because marriage is something that is suppose to be so pure according to the bible. And society has made it something that it was not suppose to be.

And as a famous writer once said “Marriage in this account starts with God, not man. Its primary purpose was companionship and spiritual communion, not sexual opportunity or producing babies or legitimizing them.” (178) I dont believe that this could be more true because this shows that God made marriage for one thing. Helping out his creation, in which his image was made. “Where there is anything that’s designed, there is a designer. Whether it’s a truck, building or train — or even marriage — there is always a mastermind behind the masterpiece. God, the mastermind of marriage, also has a plan for how marriage works best.” (Marriage: God’s Idea).

In conclusion, marriage is something that is incredible special to God. Marriage, I'm afraid, is becoming something that man wants to take over from God. Society wants to make marriage to fit their needs and not what God wants. These television shows show us what society wants to think about marriage. They want people to make it what they want. This is something that is going to be very difficult to attempt to pry away from society and point people back to God’s plan for us. It will be difficult because people will want to do things there own was. People are rebellious by nature. 1 Samuel 15:23 states “For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of theLord, he has also rejected you from being king.”So because we are rebellious people and want to take things for ourselves, we need to submit to what God wanted marriage to be.

“Marriage: God’s Idea.” Focus on the Family. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb. 2017.

Grunlan, Stephen A., and Milton Reimer. Christian perspectives on sociology. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1982. Print.

