Christian Perspectives: Society and Life
7 min readNov 10, 2019


I want to address what most people consider to be torment in this world and that is the word, work. As Christians we need to know that work was not a result of the fall of man but was created by God since the beginning of time. Work is good and not a curse! Genesis 2:15–16 says, “The Lord God made man in the garden of Eden and placed him in the garden to work and cultivate it’s land; followed by, one command not to eat the fruit…” This was His blessing, not for Himself, but for God’s beloved creation (humanity). Even before God created the universe, his plan was for all humanity to enjoy God’s good creation, to cultivate the garden of Eden and to steward its wealth which was everything in it. God uses both his work and wealth to create.

God, Himself, exemplifies what work is during the creation of the universe. God works intimately with his hands to sculpt human bodies (Gen. 2:7, 21), dig a garden (Gen. 2:8), plant an orchard (Gen. 2:9), and a bit later tailor “garments of skin” (Gen. 3:21). These are only the beginnings of God’s physical work in a Bible full of divine labor. Everything God creates, he declares it is good. In fact, the author of “God Works to Create the World” states, “God is the source of everything in creation. Yet creation is not identical with God. God gives his creation… a “proper independence.” This is not the absolute independence imagined by the atheists or Deists, but rather the meaningful existence of the creation as distinct from God himself.” It’s almost as if, the Creator placed Adam to tend the garden in order to experience His characteristics (nature), just as a seed is placed in dirt to flourish. Both have everything it needs to fulfill its purpose, without God’s design and placement, it would be impossible for the seed to flourish the way it’s created to be.

However, since the fall of man, we all face consequences when we obey and disobey God in our work. As a result, we are to be careful how we approach work. The world has perverted the blessing of work, and it is important as believers, we are not following the perceptions of work outside the biblical meaning. Why does this first section of the bible matter? I think it’s important because ever since the fall of man, sin, and the enemy of God, “influenced” all humanity. Especially, in our work where we spend most of our time. People are broken at heart, hopeless, angry, selfish, or confused about life. Paul writes about the enemy of God and how we once where under this kind of influence. Ephesians 2:1–2, “…you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience — .” In other words, those who do not have Christ are not able to reflect the characteristics of God. I’m not saying our work place has to be chaotic, hostel, and filled with greed but the effects of sin can lead anyone in many different directions that contradict the word of God and effect the work place.

What does the fall of man and the power of the enemy have anything to do with work? The fall of man made us distant from God and we are left in this flesh. However, by God’s grace he sent His Son that we may be brought back to a place of intimacy with God. Yet, if we are unaware or careless, we too can be influenced by the ways of the enemy. In the work place its common to be in an atmosphere of sorrow, bitterness, selfishness, greed, etc. These kinds of heart attitudes are unacceptable and do not reflect Christ. Jesus calls us to be a light even in our work place. Jesus declares in Matt 5:14–16, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” So, how can we work biblically (let our light shine) and what are some verses to encourage how we are to work?

First, I believe it is important that we take time to reflect areas we are doing well (as examples of Christ) in our work place. In addition, the areas we may fall short and need to repent of. With that being said here are some verses below that may help to work biblically.

• We are made new in Christ because of what he has done for us. Eph 4:17–31, invites us to allow God to renew our thoughts and attitudes. Sometimes the way we think may not be Christ like, or the way our attitudes are during situations towards those around us in the work place. Paul provides some examples and indicators for ungodly behavior and attitudes. Also, practical ways the reader can make these adjustments so, he or she can walk in this new nature in Christ.

• Next, servant leadership is what Christ demonstrated in his word. Though Jesus was the King of the universe, we read about Him washing the feet of his disciples, feeding people, teaching others, etc. Matt 25:40 states, when we are serving those who are the lease, you are doing unto him. I think many people can have trouble serving everyone and showing favoritism to those who benefit them. As a Christian we should not be afraid to humble ourselves by serving everyone equally despite their position. This will not only humble us but take care of those who are the least just as Jesus did.

• 1 Corinthians 10:31, to me, speaks about the reputation of excellence and admiration. Chapter 10 reminds us of who we are doing it for, and our responsibilities as an example to those around us. “Whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” In other words, our worship can be found in all things that we do in the work place.

• 1 John 4:7 reminds us of the second greatest commandment of God, to love our neighbors. This may be the hardest of them all. However, because of the love of God we are able to love those we work with. This is a sobering reminder that working isn’t just about getting the task done but to be relational. Not using people for our gain but treating people with dignity as we grow.

Our work is a gift. In fact, it is the first gift God gave man (Gen 1 and 2). Yet, many people think their work is the answer to their problems or what will satisfy their deepest desire. Work is often sought out to be the fulfilment of many, until they realize it’s not. The blessing of work is Gods infinite attributes being reflected in our work, his will being done, and a part of our sanctification. God is the Creator and we are co-creators. God empowers and we are His co-workers. Without us partnering with God we will seek praise from the world, affirmation, and our own will. We are to partner with Gods work. So, what is God’s work? states a great description, “God’s work is redeeming humanity. It involves the restoration of all four foundational relationships (with Him, with ourselves, with each other and with the rest of creation).” Ever since the beginning of time God has not stopped working. If our perspective of work is for ourselves and “ours,” we can find ourselves not partnering with the redeeming work of God. We actually may be deceived and need a better understanding what the work of God is. Titus 2:14 states, we are redeemed to do good works with God. Romans 8:14–16 clarifies, because we have the Holy spirit we are identified as children of God and led by the Spirit. In other words, are led by the Holy spirit to be a part of God’s redemptive work.

In concluding, America stresses upward social mobility which is the pursuit of privilege, power, and prestige. Americans way of viewing work has been distorted because of educational systems, mass media, political institutions, the economy, and even church emphasize on upward social mobility. These influences have caused discrimination and segregation in all social economic and social classes. As Christians we are not to view work as our self-identity or ultimately our social economic goal. We are free to live outside social pressures regarding the world view of work. Through we are working American citizens we are free in Christ to work unto him and treat the people around us with dignity despite social class or belief. It is important we remember we are being redeemed. Therefore, are Gods workmanship to partner with him to redeem his creation.

