Science is God

Amber Marino
Christian Perspectives: Society and Life


What is life? What is the essence stirring deep within each of us? There is an unseen force which enables our body to day in and day out relentlessly beat our heart, circulate blood, inhale & exhale, and power neurotransmitter’s in the brain. From this comes dreams, aspirations, personality, and overall cognition — but where does this force come from and how? Scientists and Religious groups have speculated for centuries, but it wasn’t until modern technological advancements have we been able to get a mere glimpse of the truth. Biologically, Religiously & Politically the definition continues to be obscure and has caused tension among them.

Until the past few centuries Religion has been the consulted overseer of what life is, but as the Science Community flourished the Religious Community’s reliability has diminished. This would come to effect politics specifically within the U.S., as political parties would gradually acclimate and adjust to the change occurring between science, religion and society. This transformation can be observed when researching the history of the country alongside scientific and technological progression. One would be inclined to ask what is wrong with scientific and technological advancement? Truthfully, nothing is wrong with this until these fields begin to communicate to society ALL of their findings are infallible. When in reality, a majority of scientific findings are based on the foundation of human assumption rather than factual evidence. As a result, society begins to blindly believe and trust in technology and science as the inherent source of truth. A majority of people don’t stop to realize humans are the middle-man between scientific truth and society. This inevitably means scientific results can be altered and manipulated in order for scientists to support their theories. Yet, nobody will question them because after all they are scientists and scientists have access to all truth… right?

This infallibility of science then becomes fallible because the individuals who manage and oversee its result are human. Contrary to pending belief scientists of any kind are no more human than we are and are susceptible to the same emotional impulses we have. This would specifically include pride as well as the overwhelming desire for achievement and inclusion within society which can result in less than ethical actions. Unfortunately it gets worse, as there are individuals who aren’t even scientists whom will pick and choose what they want from deemed scientific truth to prove their philosophical points, product reliability and theories. Thus, not only do we have scientists who can and are skewing scientific results, but we also have individuals taking these possible skewed results and manipulating them even more to fit their needs. You only need to look as far as your news feed on Facebook and media to observe these unethical occurrences. With all of this being said and understood, I ask this question: How much of what is displayed as scientific truth about life is accurate or truth?

In order to address such a difficult question, it’s crucial to observe all perspectives on life within biology and religion. The definition of life according to the Encylopedia Brittanica is “…matter that shows certain attributes that include responsiveness, growth, metabolism, energy, transformation, and reproduction.” A more descriptive interpretation is seen in the 7 characteristics of life:

1- Living Things are Composed of Cells

2- Living Things Have Different Level of organization:

3- Living things use energy

4- Living things respond to their environment

5- Living things grow

6- Living things reproduce

7- Living things adapt to their environment

While Biology provides a definitive explanation, most religions have formed timeless, sacred values. Furthermore, in almost every religion one can find a type of “Golden Rule”. Below I have provided a list of “Golden Rule” examples to take the place of a religious definition of life:

  • Buddhism:“ Hurt not others with that which pains yourself” — 560 BC, from the Udanavarga 5:18.
  • Judaism: “Thou shalt Love thy neighbor as thyself” — Leviticus 19:18.
  • Hinduism: “One should always treat others as they themselves wish to be treated” — 3200 BC, from the Hitopadesa.
  • Christianity: “ A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; As I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” — Jesus Christ (John 13:34).
  • Islam: “Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourselves” — Abu Dawud.
  • Wicca: “An ye harm none, do as thou wilt” — Wiccan Rede.

A common theme can be noted throughout these “Golden Rules” as they place emphasis on treating others as you would treat your own-self as well as causing no one harm. Thus, if the majority of religious beliefs can agree harming others is immoral or “wrong” and we connect this with the definition of life according to Science, what does this mean for abortion?

A fetus at it’s earliest stage of formation, would be considered life according to the scientific definition. The fetus is not only composed of cells, but it has different levels of organization, it uses energy, it responds to its environment, it adapts to its environment, and it grows! The fetus meets 6 out of 7 characteristics of life, and even though it is not yet able to reproduce, the cells meticulously forming this human are rapidly reproducing as maturation progresses. With everything having been explained and understood, it can be deduced abortion is indeed the extermination of a living human. This leaves us in a position to question if a society which legalizes abortion is a society of progress?

It has already been concluded western culture, specifically within the U.S., has gravitated away from religion and towards technology and science as their emblems of progress. As a result, politics have followed suit with society and democratically allow the country to decide who will represent them and what will or will not be allowed in our country. From this, the legalization of abortion occurred in 1973 after the landmark decision of Roe vs. Wade. So where am I going with this? Let’s step back and consider everything which has been present thus far. It’s been established science and technology are the new leaders of progress according to society. It’s also been established, science and technology are produced from members of the same society. Thus, scientists of any kind are prone to error and unethical tendencies, yet the rest of the society does not question them or hold them accountable. Why could this be?… they have undeniably replaced the role of religion which represents God with Science. If then, religion is the representation of God and science is the representation of scientists, society has in essence not erased God, but created a new one. One which not only is visible, but supports and aligns with humanity’s narcissistic nature — Themselves. We’ve put men and women in the position of God because they will give us the answers want to hear and quickly, all while being human. Now, let’s continue this further, what would be the result of allowing men and women to be put in the God role? A society founded on corruption, selfishness, falsities and hypocrisy, which results in the legalization of things like abortion. For too long the secular and conservative sides have argued the issue is where to draw the line between state and church, but truthfully, the issue is the line between God and humanity.

All around the world, especially in the United States, the vigorous endeavor for a Utopian society as the result of an evolved humanity persists. Yet, there are those as me who can merely sit back and watch all of humanity flail pointlessly. As they much like a blindfolded child continues to strike the air in hopes of hitting a pinata which does not exist or cannot exist without a parent to provide it. God is our parent, but instead of trusting and waiting on His return with glorious treasures, we listen to our other friends telling us to keep striking the air and eventually we will hit something. Scientists are these other friends whom while some mean well and some mean harm still only tell us there is no pinata, but they can’t tell us how to get it. Instead they theorize how Utopia will come to be without a “parent”, and then establish these theories as truth knowing we won’t question them as our friends aren’t blindfolded. As humorous as the visualization of this metaphor is, it is in fact quite grim not only from what has been presented thus far, but also because it can go much deeper. In considering everything I’ve presented, I will end with this question, which is more absurd and dangerous for society to believe — Science is God or God is the author of Science?


Sagan, Dorion, and Lynn Margulis. “Life.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 24 Apr. 2017. Web. 04 May 2017.

