Small group or Cult

People today have viewed Islam, Christianity and other groups associated with Christianity as violent religious groups; or maybe even viewed it as a cult. Some people in formal organization’s view Christianity as a religion of peace. But, the other majority deemed these groups as having a history of bloodshed over centuries. Some, view Pentecostal and the Charismatics movement as strange and demonic cult. A group is defined according to Tubbs, “ is a collection of individual’s who influence one another, derive some satisfaction from maintain membership in the group. (Grunlan)” Christianity and Islam have become a norm that serves to set boundaries that determine how interpersonal communication is to be maintained. All these groups interact with each other for a purpose, articulate numerous roles, rely on each other for support and encouragement. Lastly these groups join face to face to formulate a dialogue. A cult is defined as, a system of religious worship or ritual. And some view cults as a strange practice of behavior.

Most of the politically conservative gave attitude about the argument with Donald Trump on his view on religious groups. When the murders occurred in the Orlando, Florida shooting in 2016. Donald Trump viewed Islam’s religion as a death trap. People have always been under the assumption and impression that people do not kill people, but guns kill people. It was stated that Donald trump wrestled with the thought that “radical Islam kill people.” His party was asked to raise their hands if they felt Islamic religion was a death cult. Christianity is not off the hook just yet. Reporters claimed a Christian Church as being ruthless in a way of deviation of, burning and torturing all heretics at stake. When Martin Luther posted theses to a door at a church. Trying to lay a new Christianity, it created years of warfare between Christians. That ended up with the spilling of each other’s blood. With holding the belief of Christ was the truest in their vision.

When exploring the deity of Christ and contrasting Islam and Christianity and other forms of Christianity. The deity of Christ comes out of the biblical text. Jesus will be the only one who will judge the living and the dead 2 Timothy 4:1 and Titus 2:13 expresses Jesus existence in the form of God. The difference of grace between Christians and Muslims is, Muslims base their salvation on scales and a lifetime of confession of faith in Allah and his messenger. A Muslim God is impersonal. Where in Christianity God is personal and wants relationship. John 20:28 expresses that relationship and Christianity is based on the cross and Christ dying for our sins, Ephesians 2:8–9, explains how we are saved by grace. For Christians personal confession is based on our salvation followed by, Romans 10:9–13. Islam’s religion acknowledges Allah to be their God and only one God. Christianity has only on God, but a triune God called Yaweh. Islam’s believe Jesus was a prophet who was a virgin born but does not belong to the Son of God and deny all existence of God the father. John 10:10 says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Christianity looks at Jesus as a divine Son of God who was virgin born and is God’s savior and word to all humanity. Islam’s belief with Jesus’s resurrection, is there is no belief and no need to believe. Islam’s think Christ’s crucifixion was substituted, and Jesus hid until he could meet the disciples. Christianity has, a fact of history that is necessary for atonement of salvation and sin of believers. Along with, Jesus resurrection in Christianity is history that signifies God’s victory over death and sin. Islam’s are taught teaching through the Quran their holy Bible and look at the Quran as a later revelation that will correct errors in the bible Muslim accept the bible Pentateuch psalms and gospels when it agrees with the Quran. Christianity follows the Holy bible which is the inspired word of God that is complete and not to be added. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.” Islam’s believe Allah, their God is not grieved by sin and sin is disobedience to the established law. Man, to Islam is man is created by Allah and is sinless. Christians believe man is created in God’s image according to Genesis 1:26–27, and man is from a sinful nature. Islam’s belief of the trinity is Jesus, God, and Mary. Christianity is believed to be three co equals, God the father, God the Son and God the Holy spirit and there is one God eternally revealed. Islam’s believe in Muhammad to be the last in line of prophets and will have final authority. In Christianity, Jesus is the last he is the beginning and the end and; is the Alpha and Omega Rev 21:6. Christianity and Pentecostalism share some similarities as well, both believe in the supernatural of miracles. The both confess the Holy Spirit and Christ as Lord. Both come to the terms of fellowship and making a whole heartily commitment to Christ and; building a personal and intimate relationship with God.

“Pentecostalism is a form of Christianity that emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit and the direct experience and presence of God by the believer.” Christians who are charismatic can appear to be overly zealous with the attempt to gain converts and promote miracles. Acting out as to extreme can result as a judgmental attitude. That attitude can cause division rather than edifying the church. It has been noted that Charismatics ministry appear to love by displaying to the Christian community this is how things should be done. Which can promote to Charismatic’s giving out the expression, that being baptized in the spirit, speaking in tongues is how it should be done and; Christians should learn by taking a Charismatic approach. Through research, Charismatic Christians put most of their focus on personal experiences and feelings than the living word of God. They focus on the up lifting of spiritual gifts than Christ. The dangerous outcome of focusing on gifts will make a person become inward with their thinking and self-centered. Focus on yourself takes away from the main reason and that is to Glorify God. All Pentecostal groups may worship Jesus differently. Some Pentecostals, may be comprised by the denomination known as the United Pentecostal Church. Some people may feel just because a church confesses the words Jesus, God and Holy Spirit in services and sermons. That does not justify the teachings as a biblical sound doctrine. With the beliefs such as the trinity that is preached in theses churches today.

It may be easy for modern Christians today in society to be caught up with the desiring spiritual gifts that a person does not have. When dealing with salvation, Christians seem to forget about Christ and who he is and; can cause problems in the church’s today if mind is not focused on Christ. This problem of desiring spiritual gifts can bring on destructive like behavior if Christians become focused on works and become self-absorbed. Matthew 7: 15–20 reminds Christian’s to watch out for false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing and know them by their fruits. The fruits are referred to the book of Galatians 5:22. People question is the Pentecostal movement an act with the mannerisms to be cult like; and does it follow the biblical principles of Christianity? Not all behaviors or groups in the church’s today are considered to have behaviors of a cult. Some people attested to witnessing behaviors in the churches of the Pentecostal movement to be sited as embarrassing. People have reported seeing a 90-foot Jesus, barking during service, laughing uncontrollable and; falling into a trance like state.

The view on the Pentecostal movement legitimacy is their belief could be labeled as a strange fire. There is supernatural healing and God’s presence that shows up during his intimate time of worship. When God’s presence is present, signs, wonders and speaking of the tongue could be close by in range. When signs, wonders, healing and miracles, become a primary foundation and root focus of the church there could be issues and major problems that arise. Christians in the church who can discern error are able to recognize right away the dangerous at hand. But are the ones holding the discernment, bold enough to speak on the problem when it occurs. Nowhere in the bible does it speak about gold dropping pieces in their bibles and gold-filled teeth occurring during services.

Research have found the Pentecostal movement strung together and isolated from their proper contexts. And their sound hermeneutics and careful exegesis were therefore impossible. The adversary (the devil) can give counterfeit gifts of healing, speaking in tongues and can give false signs wonders and miracles. Some churches are taught to not be impressed with gifts but; to look at the fruit that has grown and manifested in that person’s life. God warns his people in the book of 2 Peter chapter 2. The dangers of listening to a group big or small of an unsound doctrine that is destructive. That can lead to schism, power struggles in the personal life, church, home, and marketplace, individual interpretation of religion, emotional manipulation, sectarianism, aggressive proselytism, financial malfeasance, internal power struggles and deception. People must be careful and do research before becoming involved and committed to groups. Background history is a start along with prayer. Just by reading this material. Which group would you prefer or would you define all as a cult?


“BBC — Religion Christianity:Pentecostalism”.

Grunlan, Stephen A, and Milton Reimer. Christian Perspectives On Sociology. Wipf And Stock Publishers, 2001

Ioffe et al. “If Islam Is A Religion Of Violence, So Is Christianity”. Foreign Policy, 2018,

“Pentecostalism And Its Impact”. Culteducation.Com, 2018,

Religion, The. “The Rise Of Pentecostalism: From The Editor — One Dangerous Religion”. Christian History | Learn The History Of Christianity & The Church, 2018,

“The Power And Problems Of Pentecostalism”. Crux, 2018,

