Amber Marino
Christian Perspectives: Society and Life
9 min readMay 9, 2017


The United States: Is Democratic Socialism our future or our past?

The Political history of the United States is, more often than not, known for being chaotic and littered with turmoil. However, one could speculate this was to be expected, especially considering the carnage which occurred before the U.S. even became it’s own country. In fact, it would be a complete misrepresentation of the United States political history without mentioning Britain. The repercussion’s of Britain’s desire for growth would inevitably result not only in the country we reside in today, but it’s political function as a society.

It all began in the 16th century England, which according to History: English Colonial Expansion, “….was a tumultuous place.” This was the age of mercantilism which meant due to an economic philosophy there was a vigorous competition for European nations to obtain as many colonies as possible. This would become critical for England as an economical domino effect was currently occurring. At the time, more profit came from wool than from selling food, and this lead farmers to begin converting their fields into pastures for sheep. As a result, there was not only a shortage of food, but agricultural workers were losing employment. Thus, the English colonies would come to be established as business ventures, in order for economic growth and prestige to be obtained. This would be done not only at the cost of nearly decimating the entire Native American population, but also through the degradation of African Americans.

The chaos of the situation would only become more pronounced as the colonies and time progressed. The mistreatment of Native Americans and African Americans was more prevalent in the Southern colonies due to the agricultural atmosphere. Due to many landowners producing crops, especially tobacco, the labor of slaves was needed in order to maintain the large plantations. However, in the Northern colonies, puritans fleeing religious persecution would become the first settlers. It would be through their friendship with Native Americans they thrived, as the colonists were taught how to fish, hunt and farm. From the very beginning, these two different approaches to colonization would not only set the stage for a civil war 200 years into the future, but minority-majority issues today.

Now with the understanding of the economical and sociological effects Britain set in motion, it’s crucial to observe politic’s role in the process. According to USHistory, “each of the thirteen colonies had a charter, or written agreement between the colony and the king of England or Parliament.” A charter imparted upon royal colonies, direct rule under the King. Due to the fact the King was an ocean away, a “colonial legislature was elected by property holding males, while governors were appointed by the king and had almost complete authority …(USHistory).” In order to keep the governor’s in line with colonial wishes, the legislature would be in control of their salary. Furthermore, the economics of the colonies were operated under mercantilism. This meant the “…colonies only existed in order to increase the mother country’s wealth (USHistory).” This is where the monarchy form of government began it’s downward spiral with the colonies. First, England desired to regulate trade, which meant the colonies were forbidden from trading any goods with other European countries Then secondly, England was allowed by right to tax the colonies. However, neither the regulation of trade or taxation could be easily enforced, so the colonists were then permitted to levy their own taxes (USHistory). The vast distance between the England and the colonies would inevitably become the downfall of this political system.

The French & Indian War would become the breaking point for the colonists and their mother country. Since the colonies were an extension of England, the government believed it was only fair for the colonists to help pay their fair share of taxes for this expensive conflict. However, the colonists did not agree and the British reign became too tight in their opinion. The colonists felt they shouldn’t be prohibited from settling more west or trading with other countries. Thus, when the taxation for the war occurred— revolution ignited. After a grueling and arduous war between the colonies and the British Empire, the colonists gained their independence and became the United States of America. Unfortunately, they went from a Monarchy to a Democracy which “…lacked the machinery for government (DigitalHistory).” In fact, “the United States faced severe economic and foreign policy problems. ‘As’ a huge debt remained from the Revolution; paper money issued during and after the war was worthless; and Britain and Spain occupied territory claimed by the United States (Digital History).” It would be the ambitious action on George Washington and early Congress which would stabilize the foundation of this newborn nation.

This early Congress strengthened support for this nation and government by establishing the Bill of Rights to the Constitution . These 10 amendments would act as protection of individual rights against the power of Central Government. Alongside this, President Washington was able to create an authoritative example for the nation, especially in terms of displaying the proper distribution of government power and individual rights. It wasn’t until the turn of the century and especially now, this example has been diminished or dismissed. In today’s America we see a new form of government seeping into the nation in the form of democratic socialism. This would drastically disrupt the balance between government rule and individual rights once established by Washington and early congress. It would ironically re-create a national environment similar to the Monarchical rule which our founding fathers risked everything for and fought strenuously to break free from.

An amusing, but accurate example, is that of a dog and it’s master. The master representing government held colonial America on an extendable leash, and when the leash was tightened for the safety of the dog as well as the master, the dog revolted broke the leash and ran free. Colonial America chose to become it’s own master, but like a dog, was only able to function on it’s own without getting to the point of chaos and becoming feral. Thus, America similarly to a dog who may choose to run free, it wisely does so within the surrounding area of a home which kindly provides an outdoor shelter as well as food and water when needed. Now we fast forward to present day United States, multiple generations have come and gone since Colonial America. Now, like the descendants of the dog, we have no firsthand experience with being under complete control of a master. In our curiosity we have begun to linger a little too long and too close to the government, and begin asking what is so wrong with being under their control?

Although this example provides for a clear-cut understanding of what is going on in the United States, it does leave out important aspects. For example, the issue between the original dog and the master was the inability to communicate and find a delicate balance. Yet, this in and of itself provides a cautionary example for the United States. It’s true, there are governments in which the individuals like a dog are able to come and go as they please because the government functions entirely for the dog’s needs rather than it’s own. Unfortunately, my generation lacks discernment and is not taking the time to recognize democratic socialism will act either as a government in which it functions entirely for the individuals needs or on the opposite side, the individual only exists to meet the functional needs of the government. This is a dangerous fence to be balancing on, and most of this generation doesn’t seem to want to stop and consider why we chose our original government. Thus, it’s vital to completely lay out and explain exactly what democratic socialism is, and if it is or isn’t a viable option to consider.

In simpler term according to Diffen, Democratic Socialism meansreligion, jobs, & marriage are up to the individual. ‘There is’ Compulsory education. Free, equal access to healthcare & education ‘will be’ provided through a socialized system funded by taxation. ‘While’ production decisions driven more by State decision than consumer demand. Now, before furthering the discussion it’s important to remember any branch off of socialism means there is a goal to reach a Utopian society. This implies, if everything goes as planned with the government and the individual's of the nation, then a society which function absolutely perfectly can arise. With this being understood, let’s return to democratic socialism and if it would be functional for our nation.

The majority of those with a secular perspective would observe all of this, and believe if everything is done correctly, compromises are made and random human evolution goes as planned than this could definitely be accomplished. However, the majority of those from the Christian perspective would notice serious issues. The first would be our country believes in separation of church and state; However, marriage is a sacred and clearly defined unity in the Bible. Thus, the issue on legalization of homosexual marriage being legal or not would not magically disappear, but would simply transfer over to this new execution of government. If democratic socialism decided to immediately make marriage an individual decision nation-wide the line between state and church would no longer be stretched, but completely cut. Secondly, healthcare & education provided by nation-wide taxes would also be cutting the line between church and state. Since the church does not agree with everything being allowed in healthcare and in education, those individuals who make up the church would have their religious rights infringed upon. Thirdly, Christians would be back to where they started before the United States formed. They would not only be having their religious rights impeded upon, but it would be through taxation. Which excessive taxation was the primary reason for us wanting to become our own nation. Now, one might be inclined to see the conflict and provide ways in which we could definitely compromise. However, the compromise would be fruitless because the Christian Perspective disagrees with the foundation of democratic socialism — the goal for a Utopian Society.

The Christian believes man is fallible and this cannot change without the intervention of our infallible God. Thus, how can a fallible man create a Utopian society? He cannot, it’s impossible and to try to do so would be an affront to God. In fact, a prominent aspect of Christian belief is our understanding God will be returning to create His Utopian society. In Revelation 21:1–7 it states, “Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars — they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” If Christians were to permit or partake in the belief man can create a Utopian society it would be considered an act of faithlessness in God.

In the end, the history of our nation has been laid out. From the beginning we fought tirelessly for our freedom, and now we’ve reached a generation which has forgotten why. As a result, the nation is shifting towards a socialistic government and this raises a variety of serious concerns. With everything having been explained and laid out, I will end with one question:

If the United States was to become a democratic socialist nation, would it be a step into our nation’s future or our nation’s past?


“Capitalism vs Socialism.” Capitalism vs Socialism — Difference and Comparison | Diffen. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2017.

“The Colonial Experience.” USHistory. Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 08 May 2017.

“Early National History.” Digital History. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2017. Staff. “The 13 Colonies.” History. A&E Television Networks, 2010. Web. 08 May 2017.

