What’s wrong with being a homosexual?

Carmelo Colon
Christian Perspectives: Society and Life
6 min readOct 23, 2018

The opening title is a loaded question but, nevertheless, it is one that is frequently posed. Especially, to a Christian or person who believes that homosexuality is immoral. People want to know why. I myself would feel ignorant if I were to just say something was sinful or corrupt without having any back up. This thought and reasoning brought me to the point of considering this for a blog topic and writing about it. Giving it some attention and thoughts that could provoke us to be more understanding and insightful with our knowledge on the individuals in the gay community.

I am a bible believing Christian and have found much evidence and reasoning to believe that the bible is completely accurate, infallible and has the answers that we need. Therefore, I think it is needless to say that the bible speaks to homosexuality and has a lot to say about it. Not just in the Old Testament but, throughout. Yet, maybe we insert a lot more than what the bible has to say. The bible is clear that living a life of homosexuality is unlawful. The same as it is clear that living a life of adultery, or fornication are both immoral.But, the bible is not just a rule book, rather it is God’s words Himself that can bring guidance, comfort, healing and most importantly, truth. Truth that can set up needed parameters which is in part what the bible has done by defining relationships.

We can all most likely agree that any society that does not have some sort of system and rules will most definitely fall into havoc without any short of time. Just imagine a culture or society that has no rules. You can do whatever you want, but, so can everyone else and there is no one to protect or punish. It’s first nature to want protection and order, which both require some sort of guidelines. For society to function proper, we need order. God knows this and it is in this same way that when God put existence and the earth into order, He knew that there would have to be some guidelines for us to follow. His original intention was that we in general would be able to live in perfection without ever knowing any sin or evil. Adam and eve were given a choice because God didn’t want to take that from them even though He put them in a close to perfect living environment. Yet, even in that case there was still a guideline that was broken and brought about evil which would require more rules. God has designed order for all the social systems we have. For marriage life, God has designated for it to be between a man and a woman. If God knows best than our desires should not be considered a good cause to interfere with this order, especially, considering that He has the best interest of ours at heart. If He is the one that is omniscient and the definition of love itself than those two combined should bring us the comfort and truth we need to trust and obey Him.

Messing with this order can cause many different repurccussions. If the argument is based on love and feeling then the pedifiles can use the same argument so that adults can be with children. Or, what if the same argument was made for polygamy? Where is the line drawn and shouldn’t there be one? Order is a necessity and if there is a all-knowing God, then the ball is in His court to create it. Now this will lead into my second thought and point that i myself still wonder about. Because, even if we establish homosexual relationships are not what God intended and therefore morally wrong, what happens to someone who has a same-sex attraction? Are they sinning all the time because of it?

Well I can’t give a clear defining answer because when it comes to this i still have questions of my own and wonder what is the right way to handle situations like this? It seems that we end up in these types of situations a great deal of the time, living in a fallen world corrupted by sin. There are now sticky situations and circumstances that God never intended for us but nevertheless, we have to deal with them. So it brings in the question of what is the actual clear sin defined in the bible about homosexuality? Clearly, it is homosexual relationships. Choosing to be in a committed homosexual relationship is clearly defined as sin in the bible. Though, one thing that has to be brought into consideration, is that temptation itself according to the word of God is not a sin. Our thoughts almost always lean towards the desire to do the wrong thing but, being tempted does not mean that you are sinning. In the same part of the bible where the distinction is drawn between temptation and the sin itself is the same book where it is mentioned that our temptations come from our own desires. This shows us that is almost expected at times for us to want to do the wrong thing but this is also creating a big distinction.

So, now we get into the difference between desire, tendency and action. Where does the sin lie? Is it in wanting to do something that is wrong? Is it actually going thru with it? Is it both? How do we know? Question after question comes to mind and you need some clear thoughtful and logical theology to help you figure it out. We can take lust as a helpful example. Being attracted to the opposite sex is definitely not a sin. If anything, it’s the opposite, were expected to love each other. But, when we let that desire lead us to think innapropriately about the opposite sex and covet with ideas of actions that we know we shouldn’t be doing. We start crossing over the line and start sinning. This means in this case at least, the actual committing and deliberate choosing to act is what is the sin.

Applying the same type of thinking it seems that actually liking the same sex but not lusting or committing oneself into a relationship seems to not be inherantly sinful. So the idea of a “homosexual Christian” is in my opinion an oxymoron and it is impossible. If the meaning is that someone can be a fully active homosexual and a Christian at the same time. But, if it is just saying that someone attracted to the same sex can be a christian, then, I would completely agree. Though, it would require a hugh battle on there part. Someone who battles with an addiction such as drugs doesn’t lose there Christianity because sometimes they fall or because they like the feeling they get when there on the drug. But, it can be a different story and one that would need a whole different blog if they just willingly want to do the drugs. This leads into my final point too, of how do we go about dealing with homosexuals that are struggling? Should they be cast out of the church? No, absolutely not! In the same as it is with the drug addicted individual who is still struggling, there has to be grace. People who want to change and want to know God deserve an abundance of love and grace as they grow and learn. As do we.

This is really important to me especially, because so many in the church will push away heartfelt believers because they have a same sex attraction. We have to be accepting of the gay community. We have been called to reach everyone with the Gospel and not just the few. So, no matter who is willing to repent, they are the ones that God has called us to speak too. Our commission is to all races, genders, personalities etc. We can’t just pick and choose who we accept and everyone deserves the same amount of love.

Now i guess to wrap this up I just want to clarify what I have stated because it’s easy for people to try and twist words to say what they want to hear. Yet, i also want to be clear because I care a great deal about the lgbt community and this whole issue as a whole. So, the bible is clear that being in a homosexual relationship is wrong, and it’s also clear that homosexual fornication is wrong, just as heterosexual fornication is wrong. But, this does not mean that someone cannot have a attraction to the same sex and still desire to know and obey God. They would need a good support group and have to be willing to fight but it is more than possible, it is happening among some believers. Believers I myself have met. We as christians sometimes have to just learn to be a little more tender hearted and understanding in situations like this, not just jumping to conclusions but, obviously, always standing by the truth.

