The Field (A Villanelle)

Varity Kratz
Christian Writers


The sound of the city before us blares.
We lie in the grass and hold each other
Before we climb the front porch stairs.

In the field, the sun no longer glares,
So we can watch, our eyes uncovered.
The sound of the city before us blares.

If they could see us, they’d return our stares,
Envious of our stars their skyline clutters,
Before we climb the front porch stairs,

But they are completely unaware
Of how their minds, their lives are smothered.
The sound of the city before us blares.

We vow that we will never live there
(We won’t cause ourselves to suffer)
Before we climb the front porch stairs.

We watch the sunrise that we share
And know there will be many others.
Before we climb the front porch stairs.
The sound of the city before us blares.



Varity Kratz
Christian Writers

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”