Does Science Disprove The Existence of God? Answers From William Lane Craig, John Lennox & Scientists

Many people believe science and religion are separate… that we need to choose between science and God. Leading philosophers and scientists show us how we can actually use science to prove the existence of God!

James Mills
Christian Response Forum
2 min readMar 11, 2022


Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

A lot of my work at Lighthouse International Group has been questioning every aspect of my life; my relationship with things like money, work, women, family, success and failure. Yet there was one area I had avoided… my relationship with God. And there was good reason for this; I cringed at just the sound of the word and that’s before we even get to Jesus Christ! The reason for this was because of my negative experiences of church and many churchgoing Christians that I knew.

A massive turning point for me, however, was when I was introduced to Christian apologetics around 5 years ago… most notably the work of William Lane Craig. Suddenly I was introduced to objective logic and reason rather than evangelical statements that irritated me because they felt way too subjective. When I started to get over my personal bias and prejudice, what blew me away was just how much science there is behind God’s existence.

The video below brings together leading thinkers like William Lane Craig, John Lennox, James Tour and Hugh Ross to present compelling cases for the existence of God based on scientific reasoning and facts.

At the Christian Response Forum we have people from all kinds of beliefs, religious denominations and backgrounds. Ultimately it’s between us and God as to what we believe. What’s key is our attitude towards our beliefs and our hubristic pride that may come from these.

The bottom line is that all Christians need to respond physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to the gospel of Christ. We are everyday, conscientious followers of Christ who feel that going to church is a choice, but responding to the suffering of vulnerable children as Christians is not!

To learn more about the Christian Response Forum, please feel free to email me or visit the site here.



James Mills
Christian Response Forum

Helping Conscientious People Overcome The Obstacles To Realising Their Human Potential In Order To Become Benefactors