What Does it Mean to be Christian?

Diane Cubitt
Christian Response Forum
3 min readJan 9, 2023

Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper,
but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
Proverbs 28:13

It is in the last 4 years that I have turned to Christ to help me to heal from the abuse that I have received over the years from family members, friends of family and also those I thought were friends and loved ones. There has been a lot of anger and bitterness inside and I needed to be able to heal from what I had received over the years, because I had turned that toxicity inwards and had become my own worst abuser. I looked for guidance and support, because I wasn’t getting what I needed from my own birth family. It was through the grace of God that I was led to Lighthouse Global. With God’s guidance and His love and support, He led me to working with Paul S. Waugh, and it was within this community that I found what I had been missing.

So, what does it mean to be Christian?

There are those who call themselves Christian because they go to church every Sunday and read the Bible, but being Christian is more than that, being Christian means “the Redeemed”.

What does that mean? It means to be saved or delivered from sin or its consequences. Christ atoned for us on the cross and He washed our sins with His blood. I have chosen to build my relationship with Christ by seeking atonement for my sins, and being able to repent for them with contrition. This is something that needs me to recommit to it every day, this is not a once-off.

You have heard the saying “A leopard cannot change his spots”. I believe if you are willing to repent, you are willing to atone for your sins and want to make them right and accept Christ, then you can change. Through my own journey, I am appreciating what it has taken for other people to come into Christianity, their difficulties and especially the circumstances that they have come from. Here are a couple of stories that moved me, two men who both chose Christ and moved away from the paths that they were following and the Hell they had created for themselves. They chose Christ over drugs and gangs.

Have you ever read the Bible in a year?

I have recently started to read the Bible with the intention to read it all the way through and study it over the course of a year. Is reading the Bible, supported by a community, something that you would value? If it is, please feel free to contact us and one of the members of the team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If there is anything in this article or videos you would like to discuss, we would be more than happy to help.

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Diane Cubitt
Christian Response Forum

I became part of Lighthouse Global to develop and grow, to be a leader if myself and others through being mentored myself so that I can mentor others as well