Why are Christians Persecuted?

Diane Cubitt
Christian Response Forum
3 min readJan 9, 2023

“Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
~Matthew 5:10

Persecution is something that Christians as a whole have to deal with most of their lives, sometimes even within their own families. Christ was the most persecuted man ever to walk this earth; it started even before he was born. Herod, who was King of Judea at the time of Jesus’s birth, ordered all newborn babies and children up to the age of 2 to be killed because of his fear of the Messiah that was to come, as it was said he would be King of the Jews.

Jesus was persecuted right up till his crucifixion, even after, because He would preach that everyone was a sinner and needed to repent. The Pharisees hated Him for that, so wanted Him dead, because they were more focused on their power over others, and on their own image rather than serving and glorifying God. They liked material things, wearing the best clothes, shoes, and wanted importance and respect. The love of earthly goods is something we see around us everywhere now. John MacArthur once said, “Those born of the flesh will always persecute those born of the Spirit”.

This is so true in many countries, no more so than in Nigeria. Every day, men, women and children are slaughtered in their homes because of their love for Christ. In 2021, almost 6000 Christians paid the ultimate cost for following Jesus, almost 80% of whom come from Nigeria, which has the highest number of Christians being killed every day than anywhere else in the world. Men were the main target, for the men were considered to be the providers for their families and this would also stop further children from being born and so reduces the Christian population.

I want to share a couple of reports of the devastation that is happening in Nigeria. This is why we as Christians, need to unite, stop being fragmented and bring together the Body of Christ as one.

We at Lighthouse Global have had our share of persecution, but not to the extent of the Nigerians. We have been attacked online by family members, because we have chosen to follow Christ. They are attacking Paul S. Waugh and our work, trying to destroy our characters. Two years on, we are still here and our faith in Christ grows stronger each and every day.​​

What I have appreciated recently, is starting to Read the Bible, with the intention to read it all the way through and study it over the course of a year. Have you ever read the Bible in a Year? Is reading the Bible while supported by a community something that you would value? If it is, please feel free to contact us and one of the members of the team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

If there is anything in this article or video you would like to discuss, we would be more than happy to help.

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Diane Cubitt
Christian Response Forum

I became part of Lighthouse Global to develop and grow, to be a leader if myself and others through being mentored myself so that I can mentor others as well