John Kirkby steps down

Christians Against Poverty
Christians Against Poverty
3 min readFeb 10, 2021

In 1996 John Kirkby founded debt counselling charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) and after 25 years of building, pioneering and helping thousands of households become debt free, he feels it is now the right time to step down.

John’s legacy

Starting with just a £10 donation from his home in Bradford, CAP was born. John’s background had been in finance, but he felt called to sacrifice his career and use his knowledge of the industry to help people in debt and poverty in his hometown of Bradford.

In 1998 CAP started to grow further afield and four new CAP Debt Centres were opened. In CAP’s early years, John and his wife Lizzie faced many challenges. Yet, on each occasion finances were found, wages were paid, more people and churches joined the mission and CAP continued to grow. John’s story of perseverance is truly remarkable, but even as he steps away from CAP, he will always be our founder.

Since its humble beginning, CAP has grown across the UK, helping thousands of families each year to find freedom from the grips of debt. John also played a vital part in taking CAP to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America, where it continues to operate independently and thrive.

CAP today

CAP now works with over 600 churches to help the most vulnerable out of poverty across the UK. The services provided offer both practical and emotional support, are completely free and are available to all, regardless of age, gender, faith or background. Through a network of CAP Debt Centres, CAP offers a free face-to-face debt management service, with advice and ongoing support provided from head office. It exists to bring hope and freedom from debt to people living in debt and poverty across the UK.

In his own words:

‘After 25 years, I feel led to the end of my season with Christians Against Poverty UK. Whilst I’m leaving my role at CAP UK, I will always be the charity’s founder and my heart to see CAP grow and play its part in showing God’s love will never leave.

I’m delighted to look at the organisation CAP is now and wholeheartedly know that I have played the part I was called here to do. I see an organisation made up of people who are strong in mission and faith, ablaze with passion and overflowing with compassion for those they help. The next generation are already in place, experienced and released to take CAP forward. As I prepare to leave later this year, I could not be more delighted to see our CEO, Paula Stringer, and her leadership team pressing forward with the mission. I’m filled with a sense of excitement at what is to come.’

A word from our CEO, Paula Stringer:

‘There is no doubt that John’s personal commitment and sacrifice in the past 25 years have genuinely been life-saving for countless people in the UK and beyond. The sheer grit and determination, the unseen hours, the prayer and faith in the face of situations that looked impossible — that ‘Nevertheless’ spirit is the foundation that Christians Against Poverty has been built on. And though CAP may look different now to ten years ago, and different again ten years from now, that foundation remains the same: we are an organisation of people who are willing to walk that rocky path for the sake of those who need us.’

John Kirkby leaves a great legacy both in the tens of thousands of people who’ve been helped, and in the charity’s ongoing passion to continue this vision.

