Twohearts Inbox — The fastest way to message your guests, and your team.

Thu Nguyen
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2019

We build tools to make hosting more enjoyable because we are also hosts just like you — for hosts, by hosts.

We want to help as many hosts as possible.

Airbnb hosts need a better way to communicate with their guests so we decided to launch Twohearts Inbox as a stand-alone app (click here to download iOS or Android or visit our website). We wanted to make sure that Inbox can help as many hosts as possible so we decided to make it completely FREE for personal subscription (for those operating as a team, we will be charging a flat USD8/user per month, unlimited listings).

Our idea is to provide the smaller hosts with the best and most advanced guest communication technology so that they can grow their businesses. Once these hosts become bigger, then they would be more than happy to pay a fair subscription fee to use the team features. But until then, they can always use the personal subscription for free.

Fast communication, on the go.

Team Christina’s grew from 2 to 300+ listings spread across 8 major cities throughout Vietnam. We are ranked #1 on TripAdvisor and we have over 40 Superhost accounts on Airbnb. We know what we are talking about when we say that fast communication is the key to a better guest experience.

Twohearts Inbox is the fastest Airbnb messaging app available to date. Not only can you send messages quickly, you can also communicate easily with foreign guests via our multi-language feature. You can search for what you need using simple keywords across messages, bookings, and guest profiles. And if you’ve created a team, you can collaborate via internal chats with @mentions, assign, and track tasks in real-time, all inside the app.

Fast communication is extremely important but unless you’ve actually been a host, you will not prioritize for speed the way Twohearts Inbox has been prioritized for speed.

Check out our website for a complete list of features.

Is this too good to be true?

At Christina’s, we believe in empowering people to do what they love, working for themselves, and making the world a better place. Yes, we want to make money and we need to make money for Twohearts to be financially sustainable. However, we will not exploit the hard work of other hosts, because we are hosts just like you. So join us, use our Inbox for free, and support us by subscribing to the team features when you can afford to do so.

And on behalf of our amazing Team Christina’s, that’s my Thucents!

NOTE: We will also be launching Twohearts Calendar and Twohearts Itinerary over the coming months as part of our fully-integrated Property Management Software (PMS).

See my previous note: Twohearts — for hosts, by hosts.

The fastest and most advanced Inbox for Airbnb hosts.

