The Overture of Christopher Garrett

Christopher Garrett
Christopher Garrett
2 min readOct 29, 2020

On my birthday, circa 2020, I committed to myself that I would expose to the world the pièces de résistance produced by the wild, wacky, and wise ruminations that traverse my mind.

On October 20, 2020, I actualized that commitment. Welcome to www.christophergarret.co, the nexus of my creations.

Why am I adding my voice to the massive digital stream?

To make someone’s life better. Hopefully yours.

My launch won’t make a blip on the digital radar. No seismic activity on planet search. And that’s okay. On October 20, 2020, this site is insignificant. But it is not inconsequential.

I speak to the full spectrum of our experiences, from those that darken our days to those that reveal the hope of an amazing tomorrow. From silly to sober to sacred. I want to introduce you to things you never knew existed. I hope to nurture in you the belief that you can live a life that is more than what you currently imagine. I believe you can be even more amazing than you already are.

I believe you can be even more amazing than you already are.

My commitment to you is authenticity, preparation, and consistency.

For launch I have included previous works I’ve published on other platforms. I wanted to serve more than one pea on the plate for my initial guests.

You’ve likely seen the Welcome page, but if not, take a gander. You can learn more about me on the About page.

What commitment have you made to yourself that has yet to be actualized? In the months preceding this launch I experienced numerous spans of the mundane. The ease of the essential frequently devoured the hours in my day. I doubted the import of why this endeavor was necessary. And I forged ahead.

Welcome to the odyssey!

I encourage you to commit to the endeavor of your true self.

Seize the day, my friend.



Christopher Garrett
Christopher Garrett

Writer of the relevant & random. Also pens poems & pithy expressions, composes music, engineers software, & devises business strategy. www.christophergarrett.co