The Averagest Unsuperpower

How to be regular-ish

Christopher Robin
The Pub at Pooh Corner


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Let me tell you just how average I am.

I am Median Man.

My superpower is commonality. I possess qualities that not everyone wants, but some do. Maybe. I possess a less-than-excessive amount of mediocrity. And that’s just okay, I guess.

I’m not the best at anything, and not the worst. I don’t have great ups and downs, I just survive. I’m in the middle. In my graduating class of two-hundred-eight, I was number one-hundred-four. That’s right. Complete mediocrity. I used to describe myself as the most average, but that’s not average. I’m the averagest average. Everything I’ve done for my entire life sorta feels like, “Hey, that wasn’t terrible”, or, “That guy is pretty okay.” I hedge my bets and stay in my lane, which is incidentally on both sides of the road.

For example, I’m not a great writer, but I can write some words that make a bit of sense once in a while. You may even remember a few of them, but not many, because this will probably fade into something you read that one time by some guy.

I even look like people you may have known one time. I used to get into bars before I was of legal drinking age because the bartenders would say, “Sure, he’s been in here before,” even though I hadn’t. Someone told me once that I look like…



Christopher Robin
The Pub at Pooh Corner

Apparently I put the AB prefix in front of normal. Recovering alcoholic, humorist, contemplatist, essayist, averagest, editor of my own reality.