5 Ways To Move Through the Discomfort of Chronic Pain

3. Remember, the present moment is just that — a moment.

Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution


Photo by William Randles on Unsplash

This was first published in the Chronic Evolution newsletter, where I help people evolve their mindset, cultivate positive habits, and overcome limiting beliefs so they can step into their best, authentic selves. Subscribe for free.

When I was in my early twenties, my body felt like it was in its nineties.

Every breath felt shallow, every movement was carefully measured. Pain and stiffness led to extremely limited motility.

My pain spurred a personal journey to heal. And I’m both tremendously relieved and grateful to say I achieved a pain-free state. Healing is never linear, however, and right now, I’m experiencing a flare-up – a state where my body doesn’t quite feel like home.

Here are five things I’m prioritizing in my life right now to get through this flare-up with hope, compassion, and kindness.

1. Make food more than fuel

When I’m in pain, the last thing I feel like doing is eating. So during this flare-up, I’m indulging my body by eating what I want when I want it guilt-free, with one caveat – I have to make it myself.



Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution

Copywriter. Dog Mum. Goal Digger. Introvert. Chronically Evolving.