Are You Living for Yourself? “Slow Summer” Can Help You Reset

But first, it might make you squirm

Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution


Photo by Frederica Diamanta on Unsplash

This was first published in the Chronic Evolution newsletter, where I help people evolve their mindset, cultivate positive habits, and overcome limiting beliefs so they can step into their best, authentic selves. Subscribe for free.

Picture this: You hold your arms, sticky with the humidity of the evening summer air, close to your body so you don’t brush up against anyone else’s damp skin.

You just had your first bite of the barbeque chicken. It’s good, but all you can think about is the fresh bruschetta in your fridge.

Your friend makes a gossipy comment, and you smile because you feel like you should. Everyone else around you is too busy tapping away on their phones. Internally, you’re calculating how many more minutes need to pass before it’s polite to leave.

Sound familiar?

It doesn’t have to be a barbeque — sub in any activity that you felt socially obligated to show up to but secretly held no desire to attend.

We all do it. Probably because we feel like it’s the right thing to do.

But right for who?



Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution

Copywriter. Dog Mum. Goal Digger. Introvert. Chronically Evolving.