How To Genuinely Feel Happier About Your Life Right Now

Seriously. At this very moment.

Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Have you ever had the burning desire to feel happy NOW?

I mean right now, at this very moment, when you haven’t yet achieved all of your grand visions and big dreams?

Everyone around you seems happy and content in life, so why aren’t you? (Note the keyword there — seems. Social media and public perception can be deceiving.)

Happiness isn’t about getting to a certain point in life. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not something that comes after our success but rather precedes it.

But how can you muster up feelings of happiness when you aren’t where you want to be in life?

The trick is to stop trying to be happy altogether — and start feeling excited instead.

Excited about sipping your morning tea out of your favorite mug while wearing your favorite sweater (pants optional).

Excited about snuggling with your cat or dog throughout the day.

Or reading a really good book that you can’t put down.

Or compiling the perfect Harry Potter gallery wall to adorn the white walls of your rental apartment. (Yes, I really have one. And yes, it’s amazing.)



Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution

Copywriter. Dog Mum. Goal Digger. Introvert. Chronically Evolving.