To Get To Where You Want To Be in Life, Lean Into the Chaos

It’s your roadmap back to balance.

Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution


Photo by Luiza Carvalho on Unsplash

This was first published in the Chronic Evolution newsletter, where I help people evolve their mindset, cultivate positive habits, and overcome limiting beliefs so they can step into their best, authentic selves. Subscribe for free.

What if life’s hardest moments — the ones where you felt the most uncomfortable, the most out of balance, the most chaotic — were actually the moments that could reveal your deepest desires?

I think they are. And science backs me up.

Put on your biology cap and buckle up because we’re going all the way back to homeostasis. (With a personal development spin, of course.)

“Homeostasis is any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival.” — Britannica Definition

Ebbs and flows are a part of life

Every second of every day, your body is working towards homeostasis — either getting into a stable, balanced state or maintaining it.



Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution

Copywriter. Dog Mum. Goal Digger. Introvert. Chronically Evolving.