Use These 3 Simple Thought Reframes To Be Kinder to Yourself This Week

Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Do you spend more time talking to yourself than to others?

Some people do (🙋), and self-talk has even been associated with lower levels of psychological distress.

But self-talk holds the power to help or hinder, depending on which way your thoughts turn. Luckily, your thoughts are one of the very few things in this world that you have complete control over. That means you — and you alone — get to decide which way to respond to all that comes your way in life.

As we head into a new week, here are three thought reframes to ponder or journal on.

1. I suck at [blank] → I’m learning how to [blank]

How many times have you told yourself you’re just not good at something? My best friend spent her whole adult life telling herself she wasn’t a runner. Last week she told me she signed up for a running group because she didn’t want to avoid running anymore. I’m so damn proud of her for breaking out of her comfort zone like that. She’s giving herself permission to be bad at something and do it anyway, without judgment. Permission to learn. That’s a lesson you can take with you across any aspect of your life.

2. I’m so unproductive → My body and mind need rest



Carly Barrett
Chronic Evolution

Copywriter. Dog Mum. Goal Digger. Introvert. Chronically Evolving.