BEA Meets to Discuss Future Plans

Chelsea Slack
Chronicle 151
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2019

By: Kaleigh Fletcher

The BEA, Broadcast Education Association, held a meeting on Feb. 21 among its members to discuss travel plans for the regional BEA event in Colorado, possible adjustments to make to the Communication Department curriculum, the vote to change an amendment, BEA Friendi Gras, LAB and The Big Event.

Stephanie Gabrie was appointed travel chairman for the trip to Colorado in September. Gabrie said she is the perfect candidate for this position because she travels more than the average person and all other members of the club unanimously agreed.

Tyler Thomas, president of the BEA, reminded all club members who will be driving, “Stephanie needs your car insurance, driver’s license and you must take a driver’s safety test!”

When speaking about reforming the Communication Department curriculum, a lot of hands were raised and many topics were discussed. A few things brought to light that are in need of change include: the language course requirements, better introductory classes and more concentration on the focus areas within the communication degree.

The specifics of these topics cannot be revealed until department heads come to an agreement on the proposed ideas of reformation.

Members of the BEA organization voted to open its doors to all majors. An amendment once stated only communications majors could be a member of the BEA club, but the vote officially changed this rule.

Friendi Gras is this coming Thursday, Feb. 28 and will be held in room 232 on the second floor of the D. Vickers building, at 5 p.m. This friendship potluck is to welcome new members while simultaneously celebrating Mardi Gras.

It is important that home-cooked meals are not to be brought because they are a violation of the university’s policy. Fast foods, drinks and store-bought foods are acceptable.

LAB, Louisiana Association of Broadcasters, will be held March 16 at 8:30 a.m. in New Orleans. LAB is known for its opportunities and the networking it provides. Members of the BEA club have found jobs and internships due to this event.

Famous people from many television and radio stations will be speaking at LAB and attendance is highly recommended for those interested in a career in broadcasting.

Last but not least, the BEA organization decided to participate in The Big Event, March 30 at 8:30 a.m. on campus. This event is to give back to the community. Food will be provided as well as free t-shirts.

Money for the BEA membership is due; it is $10 for this semester and $15 for the year. However, after March 11, the fee will be raised from $15 to $20 for those paying for the year.

This meeting was hosted by Tyler Thomas, president of the BEA club. All BEA meetings take place in room 232 of D. Vickers every Thursday at 5 p.m.

Originally published at on March 9, 2019.

