My 2020 In Review

A disrupted/tough/sad/horrible/hopeful year in review

Andy Sporring
In My Own Words


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Truth to be told, 2020 has not left anybody unmoved; we have all had our sorrows and hurdles. Some more than others, and it’s no doubt 2020 will have put a dent in our realities wherever we live. The lessons we learned, the changes we had to make, the doubts and hopes, the losses we made. The fact is we will never be the same and remember;

It’s not over yet!

Lessons of 2020

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

You are not alone! Even if you are in self-quarantine or generally self-distancing, you can still socialize through your socialmedias. It’s not the same, and it will never be the same as actual social contacts IRL; the hugs and the touching have to wait. Not hugging my family and friends is the hardest, but every time I feel the loss of no human touch, I remind myself that I will be alive for hugs and touch when this is over.

Using time more carefully! You can be ad and fall into depression lover your losses, but you can use the time to be creative if you are healthy. Exploring new possibilities and learning new things, maybe finally starting yoga or training your…



Andy Sporring
In My Own Words

Multipassioned Creative Digital Writer | PKM & Notetaking Expert | Pod & Atomicaster | Composer | Author