My Favorite Notebooks And Pens

When I write, scribble or doodle, these are my favorite tools!

Andy Sporring
In My Own Words


Photo © the author

Writing by hand.

I have to admit that even if I more and more rarely write by hand, the tools of the trade and my obsession with them have been a constant over the years. My extensive pen and pencil collection has sometimes been wast. But now, before I move, a cleanout has been necessary. So cooking down my needs to what I need and use wasn’t that difficult. I had many started notebooks of various manufacturers that are not fitting into my new workflow I’m developing. And I know myself, these notebooks were for specific now dead projects. So throwing them away was a mindful way to go forth with where I am now.

Why writing by hand is better for learning.

There’s a lot of research done on learning and notetaking done, and what most of them tell us is that writing/notetaking by hand is a far more excellent way of learning and remembering what we read and noted down than other means. My father, Lasse, refused to use a computer due to this. He said to me when I asked him why; “From paper and pen, to hand and elbow, thru shoulder to the brain, that’s how you remember and learn.”
Looking back to this and re-reading Sönke Ahrens book Take Smart Notes has given me more reasons to…



Andy Sporring
In My Own Words

Multipassioned Creative Digital Writer | PKM & Notetaking Expert | Pod & Atomicaster | Composer | Author