Published Stories In February 2021

My thoughts in #Snowuary!

Andy Sporring
In My Own Words


Photo by madeleine ragsdale on Unsplash

My February hasn’t been that productive writing-wise, my focus is on reducing my things for my coming move later this year. And, alas, I have been pretty good at it. When now March comes I’m hopeful that I don’t have as many things to go through.

I started out with a summary (like this one) of my January articles.

Next up was an Elegy for my cat Esther. I had to euthanize her due to kidney failure, and it’s been a hard time grieving her, luckily I have had Ture my daughter's Yorkshire terrier here as a company, but I still miss her.

Next up was an article about not underestimate the smallest times in between bigger events. I’m using the day as much as I can to be learning, reading, and taking notes. And I think if you’re an information junkie like me, well, that’s the best way to do things to get things done.

Then I’m very personal and told the story about how it is to live with Essential tremors, Parkinson's, and anxiety. I debated for the longest time if I should publish it, but I hope that it might help anyone else, well that’s my hope.

My two-part series on Stoicism started with the history of Stoicism. I find Stoicism very interesting and I’m going to incorporate its thoughts in my life. Becoming a Stoic in my…



Andy Sporring
In My Own Words

Multipassioned Creative Digital Writer | PKM & Notetaking Expert | Pod & Atomicaster | Composer | Author