Tis’ The Season Chronicle

December 2020

Andy Sporring
In My Own Words


My livingroom — Authors own photo

Tis’ the season

So, it’s that time of year again. The wish for Christmas, the tension get’s higher the closer the Christmas eve we get. The children's starry eyes glance at the Christmas parcels under the Christmastree, and one or another of them are squeezed, shaking, or just lifted to get a sense of what’s in them. It’s a wonderful time for almost everyone.

But this year will be different in many ways for families all over the World. They (We) cant gather as we’re used to so many will spend Christmas alone. And so do I, as I can’t risk getting infected with the virus. So I will be alone too, it’s not I haven’t done it before, but now when I have grandchildren, it’s such a blessing to see them open the parcels and see the joy they show when getting the gifts. So yes, it will be missed.

But, I’m alive, and I will live through that too.

I will still do my picked herrings (my own recipe) and buy some of the usual Christmas foods and make my own little Christmas feel as good it can.

Let’s leave it there and go on with something completely different;

Thoughts are just a glimpse.

I think a lot, I do, and I try to find ways to express those thoughts as clear as possible. I’m…



Andy Sporring
In My Own Words

Multipassioned Creative Digital Writer | PKM & Notetaking Expert | Pod & Atomicaster | Composer | Author