
I am a book I never want to stop reading.

Sam Ripples
Chronicles of a Lostgirl


Photo by Gaman Alice on Unsplash

I hold fast to Me like
a Book I never want to
stop reading, endless
paragraphs unfurling like flags
across the pages of
Reality, symbols
rippling through the dimly-lit
corners of my

An ego-body is only
a Mask,
and this one is covered in
multitudes of words,
scrawled and scarring its
eternal face with the
handwriting of the gods.

And yet I am no Simulation —
even within this lying skin of
fiction, this character of
my own Creation living
and surviving in the world
I’ve built with my own two hands,
inkstroke by inkstroke,
symbol by symbol.

In every moment,
I am writing my Story-song,
and every second
my soul sings it anew.

