Writing is Not My “Dream Job”

Sam Ripples
Chronicles of a Lostgirl
4 min readOct 8, 2021


What a journey that failure was.

Back in the freelance days. Young and starry-eyed, I was so idealistic about the whole thing.

I look back on June of 2019 with a certain sort of cynicism, nowadays.

I quit my retail job as an assistant manager of a vape shop and jumped deep into freelancing during that time, and I felt as though I was on the cusp of my actual, for real, adult career.

It was exciting, knowing I could finally earn money from my writing like I’d always imagined.

Except here I am, two years later, and I’ve come to an even more heart-breaking realization: writing is not my “dream job”.

Writing is not my “dream job”.

I was so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed entering into the freelance writing industry, and all of my youthful idealism was on full display during that first year.

After that, however, there was a steady decline in my output of both personal writing as well as client work, and I eventually had to quit freelancing altogether due to side effects from medication that made me unable to work.

In the last two years, I’ve had many epiphanies and realizations about my writing career. The first is that I don’t know what type of writer I truly want to be. I know what I don’t want to do: produce useless fluff that other people will use to make money.

