James Mwamisi
Chronicles of James Mwamisi
2 min readApr 25, 2016

Now that I don’t think we can pull an April Fool’s prank on anyone knowing that everyone is alert… Or those who are not, will not even get it, but might end up calling the police on you, I’ll stick to reminiscing old pranks.

I had this lady friend, we used to chat a lot. We used to go to the same church, same Bible study group. Remember when sms’s from 8pm were 1bob? We used to talk like daily. We were very tight, this was before the word FriendZone was even invented. So on April Fool’s I sent her this message. She’s now my friend on Facebook, she might see this…. Woi!

“Morning dear. How did you sleep? Sorry I blacked out on you (at like 4am). It’s always fun to chat you. I feel like chatting right now, lakini we’ll do our usual 8pm tonight. We’ve been friends for so long and we are open with each other about anything and everything but there’s something I’ve not been open about. I have grown to fall in love with you. I know we are very young (I was 19) but I have found the person I am going to marry in future. Will you marry me (her name)? Please don’t say no, it will really break my heart. And also please note today’s date as it is very significant to me.”

Fortunately she got the prank… Lakini she called me in a panic wah! We remained friends for long til she relocated.

I called my former high school and successfully faked my accent to sound older. There was an ongoing Colgate Win a School Bus campaign. I asked to speak to the principal.

“Good morning sir, am I talking to Mr. so and so?
Yes you are.
My name is (fake name). I am calling you from Colgate. I’m sure you have seen our ads on the media about our ongoing campaign.
Yes, I have. The win a school bus one?
Yes sir, that’s the one.
Well I’m glad to inform you that (name of school) has won a school bus and we are very impressed with the number of Colgate packs collected by the school.

….Get this I had never heard my principal say wow. He was the full macho, male chauvinist type. I almost burst out laughing. I continued…

“This is just a preliminary announcement. We will officially call you in about 1 hour with the full details.
Thank you very much sir, and thank you Colgate”… I almost laughed again
“You are free to call us back for more information.” (I gave him the Colgate number I got from the directory)

I have no idea what happened after, but knowing him, he probably called an assembly….

