Do I Actually Believe in God?
Or am I just trying to make money?
Recently on Twitter, I was asked:
I must admit that at first, I found the question rather amusing. It reminded me of my time in boot camp back when I was in the army. Our drill sergeant was busy harassing us when he asked, “Why did you boys join the Army because it sure wasn’t for the money.”
I didn’t know about everyone else but I was from Florida, so excuse me Sergeant, but money had a lot to do with me being in Fort Benning, that and the free room and board. I joined because survival wasn’t easy. And I just wanted to get out of Florida.
The point the sergeant was trying to make was that there are a lot better ways to make money than joining the military so we must have joined because we loved our country. Or because we felt that we had no other choice. Maybe someone had gotten in trouble with the law and was given the option to either join up or go to jail. Or maybe working for minimum wage at a fast-food restaurant as a junior high dropout just didn’t measure up to the chance to “be all I can…