You Need Balls to Study This System
The lost keys to cosmic thought
We all know the warning from the Bible, Don’t cast your pearls before swine. Why? Because the swine will trample the pearls. Swine have cloven hooves and those will do a number on your pearls.
Basically, this saying means not to give something valuable to someone who won’t appreciate its worth. Simple enough. However, I believe that it actually refers to an ancient group of mystical philosophers that used pearls in their calculations.
This system has been long lost, however, traces of it still exist within various esoteric systems such as astrology, the I-Ching, and the Kama Sutra. Also, the story of the seven days of Genesis serves as a literary rosetta stone allowing for this ancient system to be reconstructed.
I am now going to walk you through the system and show you can use this knowledge to manifest the qualities associated with each level.
One sphere: Earth
We begin with a single ball. One single ball symbolizes earth. This means that it symbolizes both soil and the planet earth. Earth has the qualities of receptivity…