Amazing weekend ahead

And more like this for the start of next week

Jared Smith
Charleston Weather
2 min readOct 29, 2016


Pretty incredible weather coming up this weekend. Source: National Weather Service

I’m running out of words for this great weather. (Not complaining, either.)

Temperatures will run several degrees above normal and may approach a record on Sunday. (We were just two degrees off the record today.)

It’ll be a little bit cooler near the coast under the influence of the adjacent waters, but should still be quite pleasant. I suspect the Coastal Carolina Fair and area beaches will both be quite busy this weekend!

The next seven days

We stay warm through the end of next week. Signs of a pattern change starting to show on Friday, though. Source: National Weather Service

That’s a whole heck of a lot of 80s in the extended forecast, huh? Warm, fair weather will continue through at least Thursday. There are hints of the upcoming pattern change in the highs on Friday, at least as it stands right now. We’ll see what the timing looks like.

Cool weather fans, don’t worry. The 80s won’t last forever.

Warm weather fans, soak it up while you can.

Enjoy the weekend, friends. I’ll be back on Medium on Sunday night with a full update about the week ahead.

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Jared Smith
Charleston Weather

Software engineer and weather geek. Dev team manager @BoomTownROI, principal nerd @chswx.