Learning in the effective way

Chun Rapeepat
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2018

Hi! My name is Chun Rapeepat, 18 y/o full-stack developer from Thailand. Here is my first short-note article written in English, If you see something wrong please message me. thx :)

Learning is an important part of your life, you do not just learn in school or college but you need to learn in your entire life. In this post, I will talk about how to make your learning skill more effective, so I hope you enjoy :)

Be a full-stack developer

Developer is not about a person who develops a computer software, but the meaning is bigger than that. a full-stack developer can develop everything that they want such as Programming Skill, Health, Music skill, Life etc. this is a mindset that everyone should have. So, you’re a full-stack developer, not a programmer or something else.

Fundamental is a key of learning

Some people say “Why should I know how this works. I use it every day”. Right, but if something new comes up. you will hard to understand it & you going to be wasting a lot of time on learning. for example, some people learn Golang in 1 day because he has a strong background in C programming but I learn Golang in 5 days because I don’t have background in C before. This is why fundamental is important.

Note: It’s seem to be waste so much time in the first place but it’s worth in the future.

Learning by doing

If you read a lot of programming language & technique, do you think you can write a todolist app? the answer is NO!. There is no person who professional in something without practice. Doing is the best way to speed up your learning ability.

When you learn new things don’t just read it but think how to apply it to real problems. You can do side project but it’s can be lack of motivation. I think the best place for learning is doing on the real project or working project (because It has strong motivation like deadline, money etc.).

Walk a little step every day

Something, you can’t understand it in 3 days or 2 weeks, It’s can be year or month. Don’t try to understand it in a short time & Don’t waste time too much to understand it because it can become boring and failed in final.

A technique is just to walk a little baby step every day. Read it frequently every day, Understand it more every day and someday it will reach your goal.

The last thing… Friend & Community

the last thing is friends & community. this plays an important role in learning. You just find some friend that love to learning like you or go out to events on the topic you interested. This can help you better understand and also make a connection with other people too.

Thank for reading. If you have a feedback, please send me to my Facebook or comment it down below. If you like this article please hit on a claps button & if you love my blog hit on follow button and I hope to see you in the next. Bye~



Chun Rapeepat
Editor for

Indie hacker, entrepreneur, and Web3 researcher.