I’m not even that amazing a developer…

Mustefa Jo’shen
2 min readAug 18, 2016


The top part of our structure.scss file written by Simon.

.. but there’s one thing that I really care about when writing css.

  • I really care about the structure, particularly the hierarchy of groups of elements.

I’m writing a new UI for the writing project with Sam, and we have a main structure.scss file. It has the basic stuff like variables and includes that we want listed at the top (shown above).

… then it gets into standard html elements like inputs & labels:

native dom elements…

and then we put new classes that we create, like .circle-avatar, or .ninkumpoop:

… custom classes and id’s we create to style stuff.

Why do I care about this? It helps me stay organized to order my file structure by:

  1. variables & includes.
  2. native dom elements
  3. custom classes and ids

And that’s really basic, but sometimes I quickly jump into a file and create a custom class in-between native dom elements, and things can get messy.

Thanks for letting me vent while I write :)

Hope you liked reading, especially if you’ve frustrated yourself while coding something awesome. keep on… ✌🏼




Mustefa Jo’shen

Designer, Founder, Educator & Startup Advisor. Focus on DesignOps, Equity, Power structures.