GDPR/LGPD — Easy way with Drupal EU Cookie Compliance module

Bernardo Dias
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2020


The EU Cookie Compliance module provides a very easy way to make your site compliant with GDPR. In this article, I’ll show how to install, configure, and use this module.

Let’s go

First, install the last version of the module using Composer or manually.

Enable the module and click in Configure or go to /admin/config/system/eu-cookie-compliance

You can see a lot of configurations. When you check the “Enable banner” option, the GDPR banner will be shown on your website. To verify this behavior, open a page of your site anonymously and you should see the banner.

The banner is shown in the bottom and the cookies are just stored in the browser if the user clicks the Accept button.

This default behavior is already very useful most of the sites, but there are also other consent methods that the module offers. To check them, come back to the module configuration page and see the available consent methods provided by the module:

Under the APPEARANCE section, you can change the banner’s appearance and also customize its CSS.


There are a lot of options in this module to explore. Install, test and customize it to your needs :

  • Banner phrase.
  • Policy link.
  • Accept button text
  • Consent method.
  • Thank you message
  • Privacy policy link

This module is very flexible for production websites. You can also see other Drupal GDPR modules in the website below, where a community team keeps a list of GDPR modules up-to-date:

