2022 Congressional District Map is Finalized and Live in Cicero

Daniel McGlone
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2022

The 2022 Congressional map is officially set — all 44 states that need to redraw their U.S. House boundaries have done so, and the map that the 2022 election will take place in is finalized. The Cicero team has been diligently tracking redistricting at the national, state, and local level in the U.S. since the 2020 Census data was released in August 2021. We have updated all our district files and endpoints so that users can access the Congressional districts going into effect for the November 2022 election.

Map of 2022 Congressional districts

Several maps will likely change after 2022

Though it’s unlikely any maps will change for the 2022 election due to the Court's general reluctance to remand districts this close to an election, there is still a high likelihood that a handful of states will have to redraw their maps next year in preparation for 2024. We’re closely watching Louisiana and Ohio. In Louisiana, a Federal Court ordered the legislature to create a second majority-Black district. The legislature convened but didn’t pass a map. This is likely to be an issue in 2023.

There is also a much more significant risk to the current Congressional map — a future Supreme Court ruling in Moore v. Harper. This case from North Carolina is framed around the “independent state legislature” theory which posits that only legislatures and Congress have the right to determine how elections are run. If validated by the Supreme Court, it would undo the North Carolina Supreme Court’s decision throwing out the legislature’s gerrymandered map. It would also mean other State Supreme Court decisions on maps, such as in Pennsylvania, would be vulnerable to challenges and new gerrymandered maps could be drawn by legislatures.

Need to know your new Congressional district? Check out the Elected Officials and Districts app. We’re still working on compiling all the new state legislative districts. Keep up to date with the latest redistricting at the state level using the Cicero Redistricting Tracker.



Daniel McGlone
Editor for

Senior GIS Analyst at Azavea and Data Manager for Cicero