Bi-partisan climate organization streamlines advocacy efforts with District Match

Stacy Deininger
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2019
Citizens’ Climate lobby logo

Citizens’ Climate has advocated for climate solutions in Congress for over 10 years. They are one of the few climate organizations working in a bipartisan way: they believe that every member of Congress is a potential ally in their work. Because of this, they aim to mobilize supporters in every congressional district and push forward a robust and sustainable climate agenda.

Matching members to every congressional district

To mobilize supporters in every district, Citizens’ Climate must have accurate congressional district data for matching their new members to their local advocacy chapter.

This is not a simple task.

The average citizen does not know what congressional district they are in. For a while, Citizens’ Climate would direct new members to go to, fill out a form, and find their district. But this extra step was a burden and resulted in lost signups. To effectively assign members to their local chapters, Citizens’ Climate needed a tool that could use the data they had to match members to congressional districts.

Streamlined advocacy

Tony Sirna, Data and Strategy Coordinator for Citizens’ Climate, knew there had to be a simpler, more streamlined way to match members to districts. He found District Match and was able to build an internal system that used the location data and congressional districts returned through District Match to automatically and accurately assign new members to their local chapter.

“We’ve streamlined the process for people joining and we are more effective at getting people connected with their local chapters. District Match has made us more effective at advocacy.”

Using District Match, Citizens’ Climate regularly matches 10% more people to districts and chapters than before. With this increased advocacy effectiveness, they hope to get the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act passed in Congress.

Are you looking to streamline your advocacy efforts? Try District Match today.

