A Day in the Life of a CICIL.co.id Data Analyst Intern

Kalistus Sandi
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2020

Before we start, it supposed to be a Data Analyst Intern but for me, it feels more like Data Scientist Intern. Because instead of querying request from users, create dashboards, etc, I spent more time in modeling. But it’s totally fine and I love it anyway.

It’s my first time doing an internship in a Startup company. Here is how my average day at CICIL.co.id looks like.

Here is how it looks like at the Tech Team office

10.00 am — Go to the office. I rented a kamar kost near the office. It only takes 10 minutes to go to the office by motorcycle or around 25 minutes by bus.

10.20 am — Arrive at the office. Prepare for work. Sometimes the bread is provided for breakfast, but I don’t usually eat breakfast.

10.30 am — Work time. Follow up on anything I sent to my self that I found interesting from the web, see if it could work the model I built. Learning new things from the internet in order to get a better result on my evaluation metrics.

12.00 pm — Lunchtime! I usually had lunch in the office canteen with other Tech Team members and other interns too. My favorite is Gado-gado. But sometimes I also eat Nasi Padang or Mie Ayam. I like having lunch here because the price fits on me hehe…

1.30 pm — Daily Stand Up meeting with my team, Data Team. It’s like sharing your progress and what will you do for the rest of the day to the team members. It only takes around 5 to 10 minutes. After that, I usually had a discussion with my PIC, yusufalbasia, on the project that I’ve been working on. His first advice to me on my first day is “You have to start from understanding the business model of the company”. More work.

On Tuesday we, Data Team, usually have a meeting with our CEO and CTO at 2.00 pm. It’s like reporting the progress and discussing some issues that, actually, I don’t really understand.

3.00 pm — Snacks time! (sometimes fruits also provided) if there are some Milo or another chocolate drink I usually make a hot cup one.

On Friday, once every two weeks, it’s time for Sprint Demo and Sprint Planning. Sprint Demo is the time to demonstrate new features to develop from each squad in the Tech Team. Sprint Planning is like telling the story that will be taken by each squad for the next sprint. Also after the meeting, there will always feast time! I never miss this once every two weeks meeting haha…

3.15 pm — Another work time. When it comes to ‘tuning hyperparameters’ thing, it could take a couple of hours just to run it. So sometimes I decided to roam around to the CoHive coworking space near the office to refresh my mind or take a nap there because they provided some bed. Literally bed, with the pillow!

5.00 pm — Time to explore and learn new things. If I found something interesting to investigate then sent it to my personal account. If there is a new code then I’ll study it. If I got an idea to add new features to the model then I’ll query it. Sometimes I also got stuck with queries but another senior Data Analyst there will always open to give some help. I always appreciate that!

6.00 pm — Running the model for the last time, check if there are some errors, prepare for go home.

On Thursdays, they have a Yoga class in the office fun room but I never joined it because it seemed like torture for me hehe. I’d rather play table tennis or billiards in CoHive with other tech boys because it’s more fun haha.

6.30 pm — Go home. Grab some dinner outside the office.

If you want to just stay at home because you need to focus on your job or you’re not well at the time, it’s possible. You can decide to work from home, or we call it here wfh, then you can do your work remotely from the house. Still, if you work from home, integrity is number one.

It’s a completely new experience for me to work in a Startup company. Here at CICIL.co.id I feel like I can explore my self more. I found it not hard to interact with people here, most of them are easy-going people. Thank you CICIL.co.id for having me in this internship program, it’s really fun to be a part of this company!

Bonus picture, the Data Team! yusufalbasia, Faizal Imam, Pak Rul, Haqi Muflih

