Money cannot buy happiness, but it is far more comfy to cry in a Porsche than it is on a bicycle — or so think our investors, making money with us every day

2 min readMay 22, 2018


‘Money cannot make you happy’ — now that is a phrase you tend to hear — more often than you don’t — from people who have actually failed to make any money. We should not be too harsh and judgemental — with the economy being what it is today, securing a stable source of income is indeed a challenge. But let us also think positive and focus on what we can do best, and that is: helping you become financially independent.

CICoin is an blockchain-powered investment platform. The principle it operates is rather simple: you invest your money, entrusting it to us for a certain period of time and then receive the money back plus interest on deposit maturity — whereby the interest rate is in proportion to the selected period of the deposit, that is:

l a 5-day deposit will yield up to 10%

l 15 days — up to 38%.

l 30 days — up to 81%.

l 75 days — up to 225%.

l 120 days — up to до 420%.

Using our personal experience, blockchain technologies, and self-enhancing frameworks, we have designed a system enabling anyone generate a stable income, with risks being as low as possible.

CICoin works with a wide range of cryptocurrencies, optimising its trading framework to maximise profits. Why should you trust us, you might ask? Well, as we have been working with a number of platforms and crypto coins, we have managed to multiply our portfolio 108 times within a single year 2017. We continue improving our service and help business people make real money.

Money is not everything in life, but it does facilitate a lot of matters in your life, for sure. Come join the CICoin platform and find out for yourself!

