CICT or Nothing: How My College Choice Shaped Me

Kyla Elijah Ramiro
Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2024
BSCS 1A A.Y. 2023–2024

To be frank, it was WVSU-CICT or nothing for me.

Every now and then, I wonder why I chose to become a Taga-West CICTzen. As an average student from a small town in Negros Occidental, I had the freedom to choose any university in the closest city to me, Bacolod. But as a starry-eyed hopeful, my eyes were set on one particular school: the prestigious West Visayas State University (WVSU) Main Campus.

During my senior high school days, I had an almost obsessive focus on what I wanted to do in college. I meticulously planned everything out, even creating pros and cons lists for every course and university I was interested in. Deep down, I knew I wanted the best for myself, even if it meant leaving the familiarity of the province where I had spent my entire high school life. In the end, I applied to WVSU with the mindset that it was either Computer Science in the College of Information and Communications Technology (CICT) or nothing.

It was not an easy journey. After the grueling admissions process — which included the WVSUCAT, the CICT Aptitude Test, and an interview — it became clear that starting over in a new city, more than six hours away from my hometown, was going to be a significant commitment. I often found myself questioning whether or not it would be worth it: the long, exhausting hours of travel, the thousands of pesos it would cost to get me where I needed to be. I would be a fish out of water, honestly. I was excited for what this university had in store for me, but at the same time, I worried that these sacrifices might be in vain. But now, looking back, I can confidently say it paid off.

CICT building —

The Somewhat Rough Start

Becoming a CICTzen had its peaks and valleys, and navigating the uncharted waters of college presented numerous challenges. Everything was new to me — the environment, the people, the subjects, and even the languages and dialects spoken around me. The sheer amount of information I had to absorb daily was overwhelming and often left me feeling lost and out of my depth.

Choosing CICT was a bold step that shaped my entire college experience and demanded that I step far outside my comfort zone. I was one of the few who had no prior experience with programming. Although I eventually found my footing, the beginning was absolute torture. I remember our first class in Computer Programming 1. We were asked to figure out how to create a looping program in C++ without any prior instruction. In hindsight, it was a simple task, but at the time, I couldn’t have made the program loop even if my life depended on it. Reality hit me hard — this was nothing like high school. The late nights, the countless energy drinks, the dark circles under my eyes, and the constant flow of iced coffee became symbols of our determination as CICTzens. Each sleepless night and every frustrating attempt to debug my code were reminders that I was venturing into new territory. It was mentally exhausting, but we all had to start somewhere, right?

The Endless Projects and Debugging

To say that CICT isn’t for the faint of heart would be an understatement. Choosing this path required me to be prepared to grind through late nights of coding, debugging, and self-studying, often testing my limits of endurance and patience. At this point, Stack Overflow, ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, and The Organic Chemistry Tutor have become my best friends. Sometimes, the coursework was so stress-inducing that it felt like it was taking years off my lifespan, but I got through it in the end, emerging stronger and more knowledgeable.

One significant hurdle was our final project in Computer Programming 2, where we had to develop a system that could theoretically be implemented within the college. My group created WISER, a C++-based automated aptitude test system for WVSU-CICT. This project was incredibly demanding, pushing us to learn and utilize new tools like the QT library and MySQL. This led to numerous all-nighters spent in random cafes, punctuated by moments of frustration and eureka moments when a function finally worked. We faced many obstacles during development, from syntax errors to integration issues, but despite its imperfections, the system works, and I am immensely proud of what we accomplished.

Our first class photo in August 2023

The People Who Make the Place

A place is only as good as the people you know in it. After spending nine months as a freshman at WVSU-CICT, I’ve come to realize what truly sets it apart: the CICTzens who surround you and support you on your journey. These individuals are what make this university feel like home. Despite all the challenges, late nights, and somewhat traumatic experiences, I made it through thanks to my classmates-turned-friends. These friendships, forged in the crucible of shared struggles and triumphs, became the cornerstone of my college life, providing not only academic support but also a sense of belonging and community.

I distinctly recall jotting down in my notes app how fortunate I felt to have encountered such remarkable individuals, each making the transition into college life a bit smoother. Every late-night study session, every collective sigh over a difficult project, and every shared laugh during moments of stress brought us closer together. It may seem premature to say, but I’ve discovered my lifelines here. The bonds we’ve formed are more than just friendships; they are connections that will last a lifetime.

This holds true not just for my classmates but also for the inspiring seniors and alumni of this institution. Their guidance and encouragement have been invaluable. You could truly say that they are dedicated and driven, having learned much from their time in CICT. Their achievements are awe-inducing, and we take pride in their successes. Hearing their stories and seeing their accomplishments motivate us to push ourselves further. I believe the people in this college push you to do more, to strive and be the best versions of yourself. They set a high bar and inspire us to reach it, fostering a culture of excellence and determination that defines the CICT experience.

The End of an Era, the Dawn of a New Chapter

Standing at the gates of WVSU with my certificate of registration clutched in one hand and a heart brimming with nervous excitement in the other, I couldn’t have predicted the rollercoaster ride that awaited me. Back then, the starry-eyed high schooler with the “CICT or Nothing” mentality had no idea what a profound impact this choice would have. It was a decision fueled by ambition, a thirst for knowledge, and a desire to push myself beyond the familiar confines of my hometown.

Looking back now, as a freshman nearing the end of my first year, the challenges I faced pale in comparison to the invaluable experiences I’ve gained. Sure, there were moments of self-doubt, late nights fueled by caffeine and code, and struggles that tested my limits. Yet, these hurdles ultimately shaped me into a more resilient and resourceful individual.

The most transformative aspect, however, wasn’t the technical knowledge I acquired, but the incredible community I found. The friendships forged in the trenches of shared struggles and triumphs became the bedrock of my college experience. The camaraderie amongst “CICTzens,” along with the guidance and encouragement from inspiring seniors and alumni, fostered a culture of excellence and determination that permeates every aspect of life here.

WVSU-CICT wasn’t just a place for learning; it was a crucible that transformed me. It challenged me to step outside my comfort zone, embrace the unfamiliar, and discover a strength I never knew I possessed. As I embark on the next chapter of my academic journey, I carry with me the invaluable lessons learned, the connections formed, and the unwavering spirit of a true CICTzen. The “CICT or Nothing” mindset that brought me here has morphed into something far greater — a commitment to continuous growth, a dedication to excellence, and the unwavering belief that anything is possible with hard work and a supportive community by my side.

