Code, Coffee, Camaraderie: My First Year as a CICTzen

The Grand Entrance: From Excitement to Overwhelm

Meagelleine Rose Sionosa
7 min readMay 28, 2024


Becoming a CICTzen is a journey like no other — it is my most unexpected journey. It’s a blend of grueling challenges, rewarding experiences, and unforgettable moments that shape me not just as a student, but as a person too. Let me take you through my journey, sharing my highs, the lows, the moments that it made it all worthwhile and the unexpected improvements and achievements.

Entering CICT last August 2023 was exhilarating, I was excited but also overwhelmed by the large size of the campus and the crowd. The curriculum of my course — Computer Science is very rigorous, with-it demanding skill from both technical prowess and creative problem-solving. Computer Programming 1 and 2, Website Development, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Graphics — these weren’t just subjects; they were formidable challenges that often kept me up at night, even until dawn. There were times when I questioned my decision to dive into this course. The complexity of coding assignments, the pressure of project deadlines, and the presentations in front of our professors were daunting.

BSCS 1A — A.Y. 2023–2024

Debugging Nightmares: The Challenge sets in

One memorable low point was during our final project for Computer Programming 2. Our team hit a major roadblock when the software we are using are not responsive our respective computers and we had a hard time learning how to code in it — just to make our final project into fruition. Then we experienced another obstacle our code is not running, and the set deadline and presentation is fast approaching. Panic set it, and we found ourselves in a dangerous spot to debug and rebuild our codes. We spent several nights ’til dawn of coffee-fueled resilience and, admittedly a few tears. But we made it through, and the sense of accomplishment when our system finally worked was indescribable — it was something like “para akong nabunutan ng tinik”.

User Interface of our Computer Programming 2 Final Project
Source code of the Project (
My Group (Bastket Ball Girls) — our first overnight for the project

I also have another experience struggling with a final project, it is in Website Development. We were tasked to create a new website that can be sold, we were given a less than a month to pass the project. When it was announced I already have an idea in my mind on what to create — simply our organization merchandise website. I started late because of the Computer Programming Project that was very complex and caused us a lot of problems. I would stay up for several weeks until 4AM just to finish the webpage designs for my website and its functions — finishing up to 3 bottles of coffees to keep myself awake. But I made it — finished it completely even, making it responsive to any screen types, finishing my website gave me a sigh of relief and a self-confidence that I can do what I viewed at first as something I could not.

Landing Page of My Website (, Source code for the Website could be found here (

Despite those challenges, being a CICTzen is immensely rewarding. There’s a unique thrill in solving complex problems, seeing your code come to life and your website turning out great. Each successfully completed project is a testament of my hard work, perseverance and patience.

The Guiding Lights: Mentors and Friends

One of the most rewarding experiences was finishing all my final projects. I literally had to trust the process and believe in myself every step of the way. There was the time I stayed up for 20 hours straight, fueled by nothing but adrenaline and coffee, to complete multiple projects that were due simultaneously. When I finally hit the “submit” button for each project and saw the confirmation on the screen, my exhaustion melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of pride and relief. I remember sinking back into my chair, staring at the ceiling, and feeling like I had conquered a mountain — the tallest one yet. It was a moment of pure triumph, knowing that all the hard work and sleepless nights had paid off.

My triumphs and lows would not have been enjoyable or bearable without the amazing people who guided and inspired me. To Ma’am Sabayle, our Programming 2 instructor, who was incredibly patient and understanding with our whims and rants. She had a way of making us step out of our comfort zones and do our best, challenging us to test our limits and discover our true potential. She was always a safe space where we could vent our frustrations, ask for advice, or simply get a pep talk when things got tough.

Then there’s my friends whom I just met recently but who has been a big help in my journey. My project partners, now close friends, were instrumental in keeping me sane and motivated. Their unyielding determination and knack for finding creative solutions kept our projects on track. We shared countless late-night study sessions, fueled by coffee and mutual support. Their positivity and resilience were contagious, and they constantly reminded me why we chose this path in the first place.

My guiding lights, my people

Beyond the Classroom: Late-Night Drives and Lifelong Bonds

Our friendship extended beyond the classroom and lab. We often found ourselves on spontaneous trips, whether it was a late-night drive to the nearest 24/7 diner to brainstorm ideas over burgers and fries or a weekend hike to clear our minds and rejuvenate our spirits. These adventures, big and small, strengthened our bond and provided much-needed breaks from the academic grind.

Our overnights weren’t just about cramming for exams or finishing projects; they were filled with deep conversations about our dreams, fears, and the future. We laughed until our sides hurt, shared stories from our lives, and supported each other through the inevitable ups and downs of student life. There was the time we stayed up all night working on a project, only to end up having an impromptu karaoke session at 3 AM. Or the countless movie marathons that turned into late night talks and criticizing the movie.

People who I bonded and created memories with

Fun and Games: The Lighter Side of CICT

Being a CICTzen isn’t all about stress and deadlines; there are plenty of moments of joy and laughter too. I remember the CICT fundays, especially the dodgeball game where our seniors were watching from the sidelines. They were teaching us how to beat our senior team — it was a fun experience that we shared with them. Our seniors were distracting our opponents so we could hit them, while our opponents, also our seniors, were playfully teasing us because we couldn’t hit even one of them. Then there were the U-days, where everyone would go all out for the college. These were times when you would see genuine smiles and laughter from people who had just met, all sharing one clear goal in mind — to celebrate and represent our college with pride. There were also the impromptu jam sessions inside the office where someone would start playing a guitar and others would join in by singing, and it will turn into a full-blown concert, sometimes we are told to lower down our voices. The unity and camaraderie during these events were heartwarming and showed the true spirit of being a CICTzen.

Reflecting from the Journey: A Message to Future CICTzens

Looking back, being a CICTzen had been a life-changing and transformative experience. The challenges were real, but so were the rewards. The guidance from aspiring mentors and the support from amazing friends made the journey berable and ultimately fullfilling. Each late night, every coding mishap, challenges on finishing the tasks, and all the laughter and learning shaped who I am today.

So, to all current and future CICTzens, embrace the journey, we still have a long way ahead of us. It’s a wild ride, but it’s one that will equip you with skills, friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Remember, its not just about the destination; it’s about the experiences and the people you encounter along the way. Keep coding, keep dreaming, and enjoy and have fun in every moment of this incrdeble adventure at WVSU-CICT.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Let your passion for technology, your resilience in the face of challenges, and your bonds with fellow CICTzens guide you towards greatness. Padayon!

