Confessions of a Cramming, Caffeine-Dependent, Code-Averse CICTzen

Myrrhea Belle Junsay
4 min readJun 3, 2024


Ah, don’t you just love alliteration.

A cat sitting on top of a laptop computer keyboard.

Life as a Taga-West CICTzen is no easy feat. Coming into my first year as a BS Computer Science student — with no prior experience in coding whatsoever, mind you — the promised collegiate academic weapon (supposedly, me) quickly turned into a poor academic victim. But surprise, surprise, the first checkpoint has been successfully reached with the end of the academic year.

Now, that title isn’t just for the sheer coolness of alliteration; I truly believe that these 3Cs will define me as a CICTzen, just as they have in my first year. I’ll be confessing the ups and downs of CICT student life, all with my caffeine dependence, relentless cramming sessions, and my ongoing battle with coding.

The Cramming Conundrum

A cartoon image of a ragged Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants holding up pieces of paper.

Why do today what you can do tomorrow? This question has echoed in my head throughout my first year at college, and I doubt it’ll be silenced anytime soon. I knew the drill all too well — the empty Monster cans piling up like fallen soldiers, the scattered notes that resembled a codebreaker’s war room, and the ever-present hum of my laptop, a tireless witness to my late-night studying, coding, and debugging battles. It was the classic CICTzen cramming scene, and I was the tired, sleep-deprived protagonist.

Yet, even with the familiar sting of exhaustion and the nagging voice in my head reminding me of a better way, the cycle continued. Maybe it was the short-term satisfaction of pulling off another all-nighter, or the misplaced confidence that somehow, I’d manage again. Whatever the reason, cramming remained my go-to strategy, even though it felt like I was constantly teetering on the edge of disaster.

Major coding projects assigned a month in advance would often be started just a week — or even just days — before the deadline. Tasks would be completed mere hours before they were due. The adrenaline rush of meeting a deadline at the last minute, and the relief of submitting an assignment just in time — these moments created a deceptive sense of productivity and competence.

Reflecting on this first year, I realize that while cramming has gotten me through some tight spots, it’s not a sustainable strategy for long-term success. The anxiety, the sleepless nights, and the constant pressure are not worth the fleeting satisfaction of last-minute triumphs. As I continue my journey as a CICTzen, I aim to turn these lessons into lasting changes, ensuring that my future academic endeavors are less chaotic and more rewarding.

The Caffeine Compulsion

Lord, I love caffeine. It’s my lifeblood, the reason why I keep going. I love coffee, I love Monster Energy drinks (Red Bull, not so much).

Caffeine has become an indispensable part of my daily routine, fueling my late-night study sessions and keeping me awake during those long, exhausting days (there happens to be a lot of those). Whether it’s the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee or the quick jolt from a can of Monster, caffeine is my constant companion through the highs and lows of CICT life.

But, like all things, this reliance on caffeine comes with its own set of challenges. There are times when the caffeine crash hits hard, leaving me more exhausted than before. And let’s not forget the jitteriness that sometimes accompanies that third (or fourth) cup of coffee. Despite these downsides, my love affair with caffeine continues unabated, as it remains my go-to solution for battling fatigue and maintaining focus.

Caffeine is more than just a stimulant; it’s a ritual, a small comfort in the chaotic world. From the first sip in the morning to the last can of Monster late at night, caffeine is the thread that ties together my study sessions, coding marathons, and everything in between.

The Coding Complication

Now, I’m not the best at coding. I came into this course without any knowledge of how to do it. From the very beginning, coding felt like an insurmountable mountain. Syntax errors, logical errors, debugging nightmares — these have been my constant companions.

Learning to code has been a steep learning curve. I’ve had to rely heavily on resources like online tutorials, coding forums, and help from more experienced classmates. The process has been slow and sometimes painful, but every small victory — whether it’s successfully writing a loop or fixing a bug — has been incredibly rewarding.

Even though I’m still not the best at coding, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made. I’ve come a long way from those first bewildering days, and while I still have much to learn, I’m no longer completely daunted by the sight of a blank code editor.

