From Solitude to Belonging, A first year CICTzen journey!

Shane Canabo
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2024
Imbukada 2023

Ican still remember how I never once dreamed of taking this path in college. The thought of pursuing a course in computer science without any prior knowledge or experience never crossed my mind. Uncertainty clouded my thoughts as I pondered what the next four years would hold for me. Yet, here I stand — an incoming sophomore of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at West Visayas State University.

It all happened in a flash; one moment, I was an ordinary student, and the next, I became part of CICTzen. As I set foot on the grounds of West Visayas State University, a blend of anticipation and nervousness engulfed me. Little did I know that my freshman year would be a rollercoaster ride of challenges and triumphs, reshaping my perceptions and aspirations.


Being a first-year CICTzen is akin to being thrown into the deep end of the pool. The initial shock of college life, with its demanding schedules and rigorous coursework, was overwhelming. I found out that college work was tougher, and the professors weren’t as involved as high school teachers, which turned out to be true. Getting used to the campus and making friends was harder than I thought. It took me a while to adjust to classes and make new friends, but now I feel like I belong here.

I vividly remember the first time I walked into our Computer Programming class. My hands were shaking, and my heart pounded as if it would burst. The fear of having no prior experience in programming or coding made me feel like I was staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. But, as they say, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

The academic workload piled up quickly, with assignments, projects, and exams coming at me like a relentless tide. Balancing studies with personal life became a complicated dance. One semester, I found myself juggling multiple programming projects and activities while preparing for midterms and final examinations. The stress was immense, but it was a crash course in time management that I desperately needed. The technological demands of our course required constant learning and adaptation. Debugging code and grappling with complex algorithms were daily battles, but they pushed me to develop problem-solving skills and perseverance.

The lack of dedicated classrooms meant we often found ourselves studying in makeshift spaces like in Minifo, COOP, the library, and benches scattered around the campus. While this fostered a unique sense of social Interaction, it also added to the chaos of college life.

Additionally, it was hard to spend time with my friends from other courses due to conflicting schedules and differing priorities. This unconventional setup sometimes left me feeling sad and vulnerable, making me question if I had to face college all alone. Yet, in those moments of solitude, I came to realize that this is what college truly isa place where we are no longer confined to the four corners of a classroom, seeing the same faces for years on end. Instead, we are given the freedom to forge our own paths and live our own lives. This journey, despite its loneliness, taught me that growing up means embracing change and finding strength within ourselves to navigate through it.

WVSU — MiniForest


Despite the challenges, the rewards of being a CICTzen are immeasurable. I’ve learned so much, not just academically but also on a personal level. Collaborating with classmates on projects forced me out of my comfort zone and into a realm of new experiences. Joining organizations, speaking up in class, and managing my time efficiently were all skills I honed over these two semesters.

Completing two semesters, despite the sleepless nights and endless studying, felt like a monumental achievement. The support from peers and instructors has been a beacon of light through the toughest times. Being part of the CICT community has brought me friendships that I will cherish forever. The camaraderie and mutual support among us have made this journey worthwhile.

Health Fitness day 2023 | BuzzEx 2024 — SparkHub

Influential People

Several individuals have left an indelible mark on my first-year experience. My classmates and friends, with their impressive skills and willingness to help, have been a constant source of inspiration. Among the instructors, Mr. Mark Joseph J. Solidarios stands out for his dedication and innovative teaching methods. His classes were a blend of fun and learning, especially when he shared his knowledge and works in game development. Every lesson was a new adventure, making complex topics accessible and engaging.

Memorable Moments

The memories I’ve made as a CICTzen are treasures I will carry with me forever. Two standout moments include attending the big events at WVSU. The Imbukada 2023 event for freshmen was a blast, filled with booths and entertainment from various organizations. The acquaintance party for CICT, Paghinugpong, was another highlight, along with the CICT days and University days.

And one particularly unforgettable experience was an impromptu trip to Guimaras Island during an 8-hour vacant period with CS classmates. It was a day filled with joy and laughter, even though it cost me half my allowance. The sheer spontaneity of the trip, combined with the beauty of the island, made it an escapade that felt straight out of a dream.

Pag-iririmaw & Guimaras trip <33

Reflecting on this journey, I realize that freshman year was a test of character — a journey of self-discovery and growth. While the road may have been rocky at times, each obstacle served as a stepping stone towards personal and academic fulfillment. The experiences I’ve had, the people I’ve met, and the skills I’ve acquired have shaped me into a better individual.

To all current CICTzens, embrace the challenges, cherish the victories, and above all, have faith in your ability to thrive in the face of adversity. Your journey at CICT-WVSU will be as memorable and transformative as you make it.

To incoming CICTzen students, remember that every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, ask for help when needed, and make the most of every experience. The road ahead may be tough, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

May you find fulfillment in every step you take and wishing you the best of luck ahead!!

The Innovator. (2024, April 12). BuzzEx ’24 ignites the spark of innovation and entrepreneurship [Photograph]. Facebook. photo/fbid=801191392112631&set=a.448268240738283

West Visayas State University: photo gallery. (n.d.). [Photograph]https://ww

